Thursday, September 29, 2016
Lucha Underground Review: September 28th, 2016
As a precursor to the normal intro, we see a backstage segment involving Dario Cueto and Sexy Star, who is the current Gift Of The Gods Champion. Dario says that Sexy Star should fear having that championship around her waist, because if she ever fights his brother Matanza, she would be destroyed like the rest of his opponents.
He also announces an Atomicos match between the Trios Champions, herself and Worldwide Underground later on in the show. After he leaves, Johnny Mundo appears, making Sexy very aware that he could be the next Gift Of The Gods Champion very soon.
Rating: 3/5
Following the usual band playing and the commentators welcoming us to the show, we get a match between Sinestra De La Muerte and a much more intense Prince Puma. The match was a lot more calculating and psychology-based than a lot of Puma's matches in The Temple, and the Believers saw every minute of that evident newfound dark intensity. Every kick, strike, submission hold and even the natural high spots in his arsenal were all met with a luchador who wrestles with more purpose than ever before. He connected brutally with a spinning Michinoku Driver at the end, but with Mil Muertes watching at ringside, he picked up his already destroyed opponent for a Flatliner obviously intended to mock the Man of 1,000 deaths. Muertes and Puma brawl furiously after the match with Puma getting the upper hand, forcing Catrina's hand to send her man packing. This feud is definitely far from over.
Rating: 3.5/5
Preceding the match and the commercial break after it, Dario Cueto is seen in his office with Cortez Castro, trying to counterfeit non-existing care for his former Crew member. He promises to bring the real killer to justice, which is foreshadowing something happening later on in the season, I can't quite put my finger on it. He books Castro in a match against Pentagon Dark, which at this point is like feeding a premature infant to the wolves.
Rating: 3/5
Immediately succeeding the segment, we cut straight to the match between Cortez Castro and Pentagon Dark. It didn't last too long, but there was a lot of stiff shots landed on the opposing sides, including the sequence at the end which concluded with one of the most vicious Package Piledrivers I've ever seen. Out of all the moves in the match, that one seriously made me wince seeing it. Thank God Lucha Underground doesn't show post-match replays, because many viewers at home would have excruciating pain in their neck looking at that spot. I really hope that isn't the end for Castro, I would very much appreciate seeing this storyline progress further than just getting his arm broken by a psychopath. Pentagon cuts a profanity-laced promo on Chavo Guerrero and El Dragon Azteca, stating that he doesn't even respect his own mother, which is dangerous for either one of them. Short promo, but it certainly got the point across, that's for sure.
Rating: 3/5
This episode was seriously so fun to watch, the time seemed to pass by, as I asked myself "Is the co-main event already happening?" Yes, it is already upon us, and a fun match it was! The aggression was an incontrovertible integral part of this match, as there was no letting up or pulling any punches in this contest. For all the comedic value of Jack Evans and the high spots of Mundo & Aerostar, Drago, PJ Black, Taya and Sexy Star all left with considerable welts and bruises on their bodies. Taya seemed like she was injured after the match and Sexy was busted open at the corner of her eye, but other than that, it was an incredibly solid match that I enjoyed throughout.
Rating: 4.5/5
We discontinue the ringside feed to see Catrina in her lair with Mil Muertes. She grabs Sinestra De La Muerte, snaps his neck, and puts his soul into her body, effectively killing somebody she brought to life in the first place. She then turns to Mil and says that he "needs this" before transferring Sinestra's soul into his body, turning his eyes red once more. I have a gut feeling, we're gonna see a different side of Mil Muertes and Catrina that we've never seen in the past, I can sense it.
Rating: 3.5/5
The main event is right now! Chavo Guerrero goes one on one against El Dragon Azteca Jr, with Rey Mysterio Jr as the special guest referee! Now this was easily the best match of the night by far, as these two had a great encounter. You had your perfect mixture of high-flying, physical shots, technical wrestling and psychology, all thrown together into one exceptional competition. Storytelling was also a major factor in this match, as you could see the frustration of Rey and Chavo with one another throughout the heated bout. It reached a immovable breaking point when Guerrero striking Rey, provoking him to retaliate with a punch. Azteca acquired the victory with a hurricanrana and a noticeable fast count from the "official", preventing Chavo from eventually getting his hands on Pentagon Dark. Rey impacted his bitter rival with a 619. ending the in-ring portion of the show.
Rating: 4.75/5
Heretofore we went off the air, a promo hyping the return of Black Lotus as she was eyeing the temple while sitting next to a group of ninjas was depicted om the screen. Looks like she'll be coming back soon, hopefully as a heel still working under the guidance of Dario Cueto. Good promo overall, not much to say
Rating: 3/5
Full Show Rating: 4.5/5
As much as all good things must come to an end, I was dreading the conjecture of this review, as I had a great time writing it. Sadly it has to come, but not to worry, I'll be back with a review of the final TNA Impact tomorrow and an All-Star Extravaganza review shortly after the PPV goes off the air. As for tonight, this is Cameron Mcdonley saying Goodbye Everybody!
ROH Episode #262 Review: 9/28/16
Yeah, safe to say I won't ever do that lame intro ever again. Anyway, this is one of two reviews for the day, this one is ROH, Episode 262. There are nothing but positive things that needed to be said about this episode as usual, so let's get to another great show!
The show begins with a match between "Pro Wrestling's Last Real Man" Silas Young, and Toru Yano. The match was an entertaining one, filled with the wild antics of the GHC Tag Team Champion and the counteractive negativity of Silas Young. The story told was one of comical taste, but the in-ring action was stiff and didn't let up, although everybody payed attention to Yano's hilarity throughout the contest. The match ends with Silas Young using old school heel tactics to get the win, marking the 3rd time in three consecutive weeks that a Ring Of Honor competitor obtained a victory over a New Japan or Pro Wrestling NOAH performer. Tides are changing in ROH, and it's certainly to make this amazing show even better! Great match, enjoyed every minute of it!
Rating: 3.5/5
Preceding this comedic and fun match, the show takes a more serious tone for the remainder of the hour, starting with an epic, passionate promo from "The Fallen Angel" Christopher Daniels. I swear to God, I have not seen a promo this intense, this emotional, this heartfelt and genuine in almost a decade. From his facial mannerisms to his body language all the way down to speaking about him being a horrible father and husband, this just screamed passion straight from the heart. A life without the Ring Of Honor World Tag Team Championships is a life he's not interested in, and he'd rather watch his family die than to let go of his championship belt. Although the feelings are certainly not legitimate, the way he conveyed his thoughts and feelings felt that way, and I don't know about you, but I consider that a job well done.
Rating: 5/5
From here, the show goes from serious and somber, to a tone of absolute darkness reigning over Las Vegas. Punishment Martinez went one on one against Cheeseburger and brutally dominated, but that's far, far from the primary thing worth mentioning in this match. Steve Corino and Kevin Sullivan were conversing back and forth, with the former leader of S.C.U.M failing to understand the reason why he was spiked on the head by his prodigal father at Best In The World earlier this year. Will Ferrara tried to help his fallen brethren after the contest, but the beating continued with no saving grace as BJ Whitmer laid out Ferrara and continued to assault him after he was unconscious. Sullivan dared and nearly begged Corino to put his hands on him and the rest of his "family", but nothing of the sort was done.
We come back from commercial break with a replay of a promo by Whitmer that was done during the advertisements, stating that Corino's day to make the decision is upon him, that they are his salvation and he is theirs. Recovering from that statement,"The King Of Old School" was seen gazing at the spike that started this all back in June. When asked by his broadcast partner Kevin Kelly about confronting him in the desert, all that came out of his mouth was a yes. I for one, am very intrigued by this entire angle and am hoping to find our what this confrontation in the desert will entail. Just a fantastic angle, one of the best I've seen in this business since the mid-2000's, if not ever.
Rating: 4.5/5
Most of the promos in the All-Star Extravaganza preview were really enjoyable, but the one that stood out to be the most was Adam Cole's. It wasn't one of the best promos ever and it certainly will not be as timeless as the one we witnessed from Daniels earlier, however it still implored me to listen to every word that the leader of the Bullet Club had to say, so it was still as great as the promos we've been hearing tonight. Most of all, it sold me even more to a rematch that I've been waiting to see since Best In The World 2014, and by all accounts that makes this a great promo. Well done.
Rating: 4/5
The main event of the already eventful evening was "Unbreakable" Michael Elgin and Hiroshi Tanahashi vs The Bullet Club (Adam Cole & Hangman Page), and I must say, it was far from a bad match as you can get. Tanahashi may not be the ace of Japan anymore, but he still can wrestle in that ring at the highest level, and this match is all the evidence you need of that. Even with a recurring back injury, this man can still wrestle better at 80% than most wrestlers can in their prime physical condition. Elgin displayed his inhuman power in every move and hold as per usual, and Adam Cole was once again at his best, especially when he sold for his opponent. Nobody in ROH sells like their world champion, I can assure you that. Hangman Page was the dark horse in this match, as he may not have been the most physical, but he had the traits of a classic heel with everything he did. Overall, I was highly entertained and enthralled by this match, as it completed its objective to inject a lethal dose of the hype train into their upcoming PPV this Friday.
Rating: 4.5/5
Full Show Rating: 4.75/5
That my readers, will wrap up another fine review, but don't smash the panic button, as I'll be back here at 10:00 tonight releasing another Lucha Underground review. I am the Local Hero, the Review Guy Cameron Mcdonley, and at least for the rest of the evening, goodnight everybody!
Wednesday, September 28, 2016
NXT Star Returning Soon
Hello everyone, it is Austin Hoagland here for your latest wrestling news. It has been reported recently by WWE's developmental branch NXT's twitter page that one of it's injured superstars will be making a return at the September 29th live event in Lakeland, Florida. The man who will be returning? "The Drifter" Elias Samson.
Samson suffered an ankle injury in June, just as he was starting to gain some traction. He is seen as a polarizing figure within the NXT fans. There are some that absolutely hate his gimmick and everything about him while others think he is a very valuable member of the star-studded NXT roster.
Samson made his debut in NXT in early 2014, but has never really gained the momentum some wanted him to. This return could help bring him into the main event NXT status, but in that part of the card he might be overshadowed by big stars like Nakamura, Aries, Roode, and Joe. The only thing known for Samson is his future is not clear. You'll just have to wait and see.
Tuesday, September 27, 2016
Broken Matt Hardy Movie Coming Soon?
Current TNA president Billy Corgan has said that he is a big fan of the two mini movie type TNA segments revolving by around Hardy's 'Broken' persona.
The first of those being 'the final deletion', which received a very mixed reception from the wrestling fanbase, and the most recent was "delete or decay" which again got the same kind of reception of that from it's predecessor.
It is highly possible that this potential movie could be the final chapter in the Broken Matt Hardy story, then again people had been thinking that the 'final deletion' was the end, but it turned out to be the start, so who knows? What I know is that I am excited for this potential project which should bring some more attention to the wrestling world.
ICW Fight Club #003 Review
The show starts with the announcement of the main event as Noam Dar, Grado and Sha Samuels, collectively known as the Pinky Party, making their entrances to a raucous crowd in The Garage! The crowd was singing their theme and adding new lyrics for the better part of 10 minutes until Red Lightning made his appearance. He tried his best to kill the crowd dead, as he hated that these three were getting more attention than him. Drew Galloway and Jack Jester were introduced to a unanimous negative reaction from the fanbase on hand this evening. Lionheart comes out after that and everybody sings about how he is a "faggot".
Rating: 4/5
The match itself was overwhelmingly entertaining, as the crowd's usual vocal insanity was kicked up a noticeable notch for this match. This had a serious fight feel to it and everybody was on their game for this match. Noam Dar kicked as hard as I've ever seen him kick ever, he brought it on his last night in ICW with every strike and technical maneuver he applied. Drew Galloway still has the most beautiful Belly To Belly Suplex in the business today by far. I have seriously never seen a wrestler suplex another with as much tenacity as he did, or at least not since Scott Steiner. Jack Jester was as phenomenal as usual and Lionheart inadvertently connected with a breathtaking dropkick, leaving him out of the match for a considerable amount of time. The match started to break down, everybody exploded out of the gate with their finishes one after the other until Sha Samuels leveled every heel in that ring with a spinebuster. He was setting up for a package piledriver on Jester when Kid Fite shockingly returned! Fite grabs a chair and hits him twice in the head, allowing Lionheart to end the match with a sickening sit-out piledriver for the pinfall victory. Outstanding match, I had way too much fun watching it.
Rating: 4.5/5
Preceding this intense contest, the Black Label laid out everyone in the ring, took Dar and Grado out of the ring, leaving Samuels at the mercy and unwavering hate of the people standing above him. They kept assaulting him with a steel chair on every part of the body, including the repeated chairshots to the pinky. Red Lightning then grabbed a mic, making a gutsy challenge to his sworn enemy, the other 50% owner by the name of Mark Dallas. He proposed a 5 on 5 winner take all match for Fear And Loathing IX at the Hydro on November 20th! Whoever wins that match, if Dallas accepts, will obtain 100% control of Insane Championship Wrestling....
Rating: 4.5/5
Full Show Rating; 4.5/5
There you have it ladies and gentlemen, I had the pleasure of sitting through another fun ICW show, and in my opinion, was well worth watching instead of the Presidential Debate. I hope you all have a swell night, and if you're in the United States like myself, try not to fall asleep to the idiocy of the debate..
This is the Review Guy, Cameron Mcdonley saying Goodbye Everybody!
Monday, September 26, 2016
How RAW Can Save Itself after Clash of Champions

Hello everyone, It's the sleeper hold member of the RestHoldParty, Bowen Holder, back with another little blog explaining how RAW can book the wrestlers that were at Clash of Champions without murdering their credibility, so let's start!
Alicia Fox
well, to be honest there isn't much they can do with her. Maybe just have her lay low and develop an actual character before investing more time into her. She's being used now to put Nia Jax over, and I'm okay with that. Nia Jax is the next Kharma, but not as scary and probably just as nice off screen. Anyways, Alicia Fox needs to get some decisive wins and challenge for the womens title once before maybe getting traded to SmackDown in favor of someone from NXT or Becky Lynch. There really isn't much she can do that could put her back on track for the Women's title on either brand.
Nia Jax
Nia Jax has been on a roll as of late and I think she needs to get a victory over Sasha or Bayley and contend for the women's title soon. Sasha, Bayley, and Charlotte contedning for the belt is getting boring, and it seems that the WWE doesn't want to put that much time into her. I'd say let her have a match with someone who isn't Alicia or a jobber and beat them, grab a mic, and say it how it is. It's time someone new got their hands on that - gold? - Red? - um... you know what I mean.
Sheamus and Cesaro
These two put on one of the best matches on the card, and proved that they are a threat to the new United States Champion, Roman Reigns, by putting on a clinic in what I would say is my favorite mid card match so far this year. I personally see Sheamus getting really pissed at Cesaro and just tearing him apart and having a really meaningful rivalry out of this, and I think it could work out if done correctly. Both men are former United States champions, and I think this rivalry could put them both in the line for that title. Sheamus won the WWE Championship almost a year ago, and ever since then has been booked pretty leniently. Cesaro has had a bumpy road in the WWE his entire career, and I hope he can get to the top of the WWE soon.
TJ Perkins and The Brian Kendrick
These two might not have chemistry just yet, but I believe if the WWE keeps this rivalry going, we can see a new heel cruiser-weight emerge and come to Kendrick's aid. Whether this be a jealous Rich Swann or a game Sin Cara, who has been hinting a heel turn ever since the Lucha Dragons just up and broke up outta nowhere. Speaking of the Lucha Dragons... where's Kalisto at?
"The Big Dawg" Roman Reigns
I like how the WWE drooped Roman down the the midcard, as it seems he has gained a few fans with this part of his career. I think Roman should continue with Rusev until maybe Sami Zayn or one of the BO7 Series guys pops into the #1 contender spot. I do believe that Roman could turn heel tonight on RAW, belittling the US title and attacking a Face towards the top of the midcard, maybe attacking Mick Foley or someone else with authority could make that transition to heel work out.
Kevin Owens and Seth Rollins
Kevin Owens is doing very well with the Universal Championship, and his reign is already better than Finn Balor's (hehehe). I see Kevin feuding with Chris Jericho because Jericho made Owens look like he needed him, or maybe feuding with Sami for the belt because it's Sami freaking Zayn and we need to see Sami win the belt from Owens eventually. Rollins might need to just have matches away from that title for now, and give other people a chance with it. I do see WWE eventually having their big 3 be Owens, Rollins, and Balor on Raw, and Styles, Cena, and ???? on SmackDown Live.
anyways, that was a little blog for you guys. Remember to check out all the other blogs on the site, and check out our amino page for exclusive stuff there. I hope you all enjoyed, and yeah, stay cool I guess...
LeafyIsHere Compares YouTube to WWE!
Instagram: makaihybarger79961
Twitter: @MHAmino79961
Roman Reigns to turn heel?!
Sunday, September 25, 2016
Dolph Ziggler possibly leaving WWE?
Hello everyone, I'm Bowen Holder, the newest member of the Rest Hold Party team. In recent weeks many fans have been theorizing many things about Dolph Ziggler, and today we are talking about the situation.
During the recent stretch of his career, many have said that Dolph Ziggler deserves to be WWE champion. At Summerslam, Ziggler put on one of the first boring matches in his career against Dean Ambrose, and failed to capture the WWE Championship.
Many fans have recently been speculating that Dolph is dissatisfied with his current position in the company as he was instantly moved from the main event to the Midcard in a matter of weeks, and the fact that his contract expires in a few weeks only adds suspense to the situation.
Dolph Ziggler has had a storied run with the company and has won almost all of the championships he is able to win, and has rarely been injured. If these claims are true, I'd love to see him in TNA or Ring of Honor.
UPDATE: Dolph Ziggler puts career on the line against Miz
Fans have said for years that Ziggler wants to leave, so I wouldn't count on him actually pulling through with it, but it really is an interesting topic. Anyways, look out for more rumors and maybe a special blog or two from me and all the other guys here in the RestHoldParty.
Unsettling Differences: An Interview With Blue Smock Nancy
CM: Please welcome, my guest at this time, Blue Smock Nancy. How are you doing today?
BSN: I'm doing very well thank you, and I hope you are too!
CM: Thank you very much! Alright, first question: was Unsettling Differences intended for Kevin Steen or did ROH contact you and pay you to use that song specifically?
BSN: Little back story,Colt Cabana is a mutual friend of an artist I work with. Colt contacted us about doing "A Thrust Is A Must" (Rhett Titus), and then "Boom Boom" for himself. People were really happy with them so then [Kevin] Steen contacted me directly and asked for a song. By this point, I had been to several matches and hung out backstage meeting the ROH guys, If you watch the music video for Rush Rock Remix you'll see we kinda had access to the whole place that night which was beyond fun. So ultimately, the wrestlers knew to contact me directly and that I would work a deal with them,then grant ROH the license to use them.
CM: That is very interesting. I am a huge Kevin Steen fan and the theme itself. Great stuff. Next question, what went into the creative process of writing that song?
BSN: I watched one-hundred Steen clips on YouTube to get a sense of what he was all about. Then I asked him what song he wanted, what sort of pace he wanted to walk out at and what effect he wanted. He sent me two examples: one was a Coheed and Cambria song and I don't remember the other. I started with the pounding toms and the song kinda just wrote itself. I don't remember much after that,specifically when I'm in the zone or studio. It's kinda like that.
CM: That is definitely interesting, a lot of creative process had to have gone into such a work of art and I honestly hope you make more themes, which leads me to my next question. Are you planning to make any new themes for ROH or any other wrestling promotion?
BSN: The last couple I was asked to do, I turned down. I enjoy doing it but honestly, I have had so much music illegally downloaded and traded by so-called fans that it kinda killed it for me. YouTube Unsettling Differences and see how many people have free download links in their descriptions. Those same people will argue with me that what they are doing isn't wrong and. between that and YouTube to Mp3, it's impossible to make a reasonable income off of music these days, so I focus more on recording other bands and getting back to playing instruments. I have released a bunch of songs on Soundcloud and have 2 albums of unfinished Blue Smock material so I'll put that out whenever I have a chance to finish it up.
CM: That's a shame. It's not difficult to spend a couple of bucks on a theme you like, but that's my opinion.
BSN: It is frustrating to say the least, but the real fans are incredible. I agree. i spend money on anything that makes my daily life better and music is certainly one of those things.
CM: Agreed. two more questions left after this and one of them is a side question if you have time, but before that, I want to ask another question. Are you still a wrestling fan?
BSN: So my wrestling fan history got started as as a little kid watching Saturday Night's Main Event on NBC which would've been around seven years old in 1985. I grew up in Chicago so WWF would come to town and I remember going to three events over the years, seeing Hogan, Earthquake, Brutus The Barber, all those old school dudes. The entrance themes always got me super pumped so it had actually been something I've wanted to do since I was young.
CM: Do you watch any wrestling promotions currently?
BSN: At the moment, I don't. I'm not into the WWE product, not my thing, but I watch the old WWF and ECW videos when I'm in the mood. I also check out my ROH clips when they come my way.
CM:Nice, I highly recommend the 7.99 ROH Ringside Membership if you're a fan, very much worth it for all the old and new stuff, except for certain PPVs. Anyway, as a side question, any certain favorite wrestlers?
BSN: Favorite Wrestler? Current: Kevin Steen [Owens] All Time: Ultimate Warrior
CM: Thanks so much for your time. Anyway, anything else you'd like to add before we sign off?
BSN: Not really. Thanks for the opportunity though! I could go on forever about this stuff so hopefully I wasn't too scattered *laughs*
CM: You were definitely not, I enjoyed it! Anyway, that was Blue Smock Nancy, I am the Review Guy Cameron Mcdonley, and we say goodbye everybody!
Exclusive Interview With NGW Trainee!
matches and adding things to your arsenal.
Tammy Sytch/Sunny Arrested!
It has been reported that Tammy Sytch AKA Sunny, a WWE Hall of Fame manager, has been arrested in Carbon County, Pennsylvania on Thursday, September 22nd, 2016.
Tammy was reportedly taken into custody due to a parole violation at 10:30 PM EST according to police officials. This is not Sytch's first time getting in trouble with the law, as earlier this year she checked into rehab to avoid jail time for multiple DUIs.
Other than being put on parole, Sunny had agreed to bi-weekly alcohol testing, which was most likely the source of her arrest. This could put a damper on her reputation within the wrestling world, although it has already been tarnished beforehand.
The WWE could take action against this kind of behaviour by taking away Sunny's HOF induction, but so far they have not made a comment on the situation. If there are any further updates, our team will be sure to keep everyone updated on the situation.
Saturday, September 24, 2016
Impact Wrestling Review: 9/22/16
Our first match of the night is surprisingly one I've been looking forward to since its announcement last weekend. Drew Galloway goes one on one against Eddie Edwards in a semi-final match of the Impact Grand Championship Tournament! This contest was definitely as physical as you would expect it to be. These two left it all in the ring with every strike, hold and move that was executed in this highly aggressive contest. One move that I was amazed by was that Belly To Belly Suplex. I swear, I have never seen any kind of suplex with that kind of torque, that amount of snap on it. God, it was brutal. Very stiff affair, but one that I certainly enjoyed. Drew obtains the victory by split decision, advancing him to the finals of Bound For Glory in a solid match.
Rating: 4/5
Preceding the match,, Galloway calls out Ethan Carter the 3rd to the ring. The two exchange words in a very intense trading of promos until Drew leaves and EC3 calls out Bobby Lashley. Lashley walks ever slowly down the ramp, allowing "The Miracle" Mike Bennett to attack Ethan from behind and to set him up for a rib-breaking spear. Moose runs to the ring and gets a spear for his troubles. Bennett and Lashley shake hands, signaling some form of an alliance.
Rating: 3/5
After Lashley shoves off The Miracle's advancement of being a friend in the backstage area, Aron Rex faces Eli Drake in another semi-final match of the Grand Championship tournament. This battle was not as exceptional as the first one, but still very solid and well worth watching. If I were to say so myself, Rex was never given the chance to have matches like this one in the WWE and it is a very welcome change to see some great in-ring work out of him that we all know he's capable of. Eli Drake did very well himself, not being afraid of hitting Aron harder than he was hit. Just like the last semi-final contest, I would not be objected to seeing these two oppose one another in a ring once more.
Rating: 3.5/5
To quote Don West, "The rumors are correct!". Cody Rhodes appeared on a promo package, advertising his debut at Bound For Glory. A part of me wishes they would've kept things quiet and had him debut at BFG the same way they debuted Christian Cage at Genesis 2005, that's just a very small nitpick for what was a very good segment hyping Cody.
Rating: 3/5
The saga between the Broken Hardy's and Decay continues, as not only do we see Vanguard 1 and a holographic Senior Benjamin stalk Decay, but an ring promo involving the two opposing teams in this "Great War" concludes with the lights going out and resurfacing with Abyss and Crazy Steve tied to the ropes, forced to watch as Reby Sky assaults Rosemary. The intensity seems to keep building with this feud and we should all expect an epic conclusion in two weeks at Bound For Glory.
Rating: 4/5
DJ Z is in the ring, calling out any X-Division competitors for an open shot at his championship. Trevor Lee accepts, and what we get from it is another solid match between two phenomenal athletes. This division may be lacking star power, but the in-ring combining of the wrestlers' talented and combustible elements has made for strong outings every edition of Impact. Absolutely an enjoyable highlight of the show by far. After the match, Andrew Everett and Trevor Lee attacked DJ Z after the match, but didn't get too far, as Eddie Edwards saved his fallen comrade and requested a title match next week, to wish DJ Z accepted. Looking forward to that match.
Rating: 3.5/5
Here comes the low point of the show. This angle (As I mentioned last week), is the only dragging part of the show every week. The point is to get Allie over as a sympathetic babyface, I get that, but these segments are so annoying, it only makes me think of how unappealing the storyline in general really is. As for the matches themselves, they really served no point except to make Maria Kanellis look even more grudging and obnoxious than she even needs to be. I appreciated the little nod to WCW in 2000 with Gail Kim coming out in a weird ninja outfit and predictably unmasking herself, but other than that, did not find the story any more enjoyable than I did last week.
Rating: 2/5
The main event of the show is EC3 and Moose vs Mike Bennett. It was not the best match of the night by any stretch of the imagination, but it was still very good and found myself enjoying it for what it's supposed to be. Usual spots you see in matches from all four men and some great tag team psychology, but nothing too spectacular. After the main event, all four men brawled in and around the ring until security and the entire roster broke it up. Billy Corgan makes his only appearance of the night and announces a Lethal Lockdown match for next week on Impact, the last Impact (maybe ever) before Bound For Glory.
Rating: 3.5/5
Although the main event was nothing too special and the Maria segments seem to get more irritating and trying to watch every week, the show overall was very watchable and engaging, with a lot of intriguing in-ring action. 2016 has really been the comeback year creatively for TNA and I can only hope that I can say two weeks from now that I'm still watching Impact Wrestling on Pop every Thursday night.
Full Show Rating: 4/5
That depressingly ends this enthralling review. I am the Local Hero, The Review Guy, Cameron Mcdonley and this is my sign off for today. So long everybody!
Cody Rhodes in TNA!?
That's right, people. Cody Rhodes (Or Cody so far in Impact) has officially signed with TNA, and if this isn't big news I don't know what is! A veteran signing with TNA?; This could pretty much boost their fan base. The one problem is they might not have been able to get the “Rhodes" name to come with him. He's already debuted, but I'm still shocked he signed so quickly after his departure from Vince McMahon's WWE. Hopefully he and Aaron Rex can get to get together and rejoin as the Rhodes Scholars! They we're absolutely amazing during that run, and I'd be very very VERY HAPPY with that happening. Hopefully he can wrestler under his old name, or even Stardust. O_o
Anyway, It's been MH of Amino, and I'm signing out.
Instagram: makaihybarger79961
Twitter: @MHAmino79961
Friday, September 23, 2016
Lucha Underground Review:September 22nd, 2016
The show begins with El Dragon Azteca Jr and Rey Mysterio training in a dingy gym, preparing for a fight bigger than Pentagon Dark. Chavo Guerrero runs in the ring, reminds Rey of the history they have with one another before he counters Dragon Azteca with a rolling single leg crab, not letting go of the hold until Mysterio screams at him to cease the hold. This plants a seed for the later segments in the show and a major match for next week, so with that said, it was enjoyable and furthered future angles, so it was an absolute success from my estimation.
Rating: 3.5/5
The usual intro from Striker and Vampiro takes place while the band is playing before we get to another edition of "Dario's Dial Of Doom". He cuts a scathing promo on Son Of Havoc, who was the previous challenger to his brother Matanza Cueto before spinning the wheel once more. The Mack gets chosen, and man do these two have a great match! Not the usual athletic high spots we see from Matanza, but he had no shortage of physicality, not afraid to go strike for strike with his opposition. After a highly competitive match, Matanza gets the win with Wrath Of The Gods. The match certainly served a purpose, as it books the champion as an unstoppable force and does not make Willie Mack look weak in the end at all. Very solid, I hope these two have another match in the near future.
Rating: 4/5
Son Of Havoc and Mascarita Sagrada are in his mother's basement, watching the Famous B promo package from last season over and over again until Havoc's mom enters the room, telling the two that she's gonna be baking Bagel Bites. Unusual shameless advertising and definitely a weird segment, but it was amusing and was not too far fetched in the realm of this show. There's a difference between entertaining and poor comedy in wrestling, and this was one of the better examples of well thought-out comedy.
Rating: 3.5/5
Dario Cueto is allegedly doing shady business with substances in his office when Johnny Mundo demands a Lucha Underground title shot, rejecting the Trios Title match. Mundo leaves upon Dario's refusal and Taya takes advantage of the opportunity, inserting herself into the Trios Title main event. I was intrigued as to where this was gonna go and laughed immensely when Taya pointed out the strange circumstance with her boss and white powder on his nose. Again, very strange segment, but a pleasant kind of strange.
Rating: 3/5
Brian Cage and Texano were ready to compete against one another when Dario Cueto makes another appearance, this time adding an "Ultimate Opportunity" stipulation to the match, and to find out what it meant, one of them had to win to find out. It was a solid match, with excellent sequences of spots and false finishes. Cage obtained the victory, and Mr. Cueto announces a best of five series between the two with the aforementioned stipulation added to it. They had a pretty good match and if these two can have even better matches as the series progresses, then I'm positively on board with it. I like these type of angles in wrestling, so no matter what I'm gonna be interested.
Rating: 3.4/5
The main event is in moments, but before the last commercial break, Dario is in his office possessing a collection of morbid and deathly images that immediately catch his attention. El Dragon Azteca Jr makes a connection between the "vacation" and the photos before requesting a match with Pentagon against his mentor's wishes. Dario pencils in the match before Ricky Mandel asks for a match as well. However he sees the pictures and is excited before his boss hands them to him as a consolation prize for not having a match, I guess. Chavo Guerrero asks for a conversation with his employer before we get to the commercial interruption and our main event of the evening.
Rating: 3/5
Aerostar, Drago and Fenix defend against PJ Black, Jack Evans and Taya for the Trios Championships in what was a highly entertaining match. Some more cynical fans and wrestling journalists alike will probably nitpick the match for not being too serious, but I personally enjoyed it, as the comedy was well-timed and when things had to get physical, there wasn't any deficits in that department neither. The match concluded with a successful title defense, but the Worldwide Underground attack the champions after the match and to add insult to injury, attack Sexy Star when she came to the rescue. The two teams brawled to close out the festivities from the Temple.
Rating: 3.5/5
Rey Mysterio meets with Dario in his office, begging him not to pit his protege against Pentagon. Mr. Cueto obliges and has El Dragon Azteca face Chavo Guerrero instead. Afterwards, he explains his student's importance to his tribe and pens in Mysterio as the special guest referee for the match next week. I don't know about the people reading this, but that makes me very intrigued knowing the history between all three men. On top of that, there is no doubt in my mind that it's shaping up to be an exciting contest!
Rating: 4/5
I was thoroughly enthralled by this show, although it is one of their weaker episodes since the series began. That is the beauty and genius of a very solid show however, because even on its worst day, it is still exceptionally compelling television. I'm always left longing for more at the end of every episode.
Full Show Rating: 3.99/5
This is the resolution of this review, so before I sign off, ROH Episode #261 and Impact Wrestling will be reviewed tomorrow night! This is Cameron Mcdonley, your Local Hero, the Review Guy saying goodbye everybody!
Wednesday, September 21, 2016
WWE RAW Review: 9/19/16
Roman Reigns comes down to the ring as the crowd unleashes their hate on him to start the show. He was about to talk until Stephanie McMahon interrupted him (That's gonna be a recurring theme on this episode, way too many people in one segment) before she got cut off by Mick Foley who got cut off by Kevin Owens. Long story short, this 30 minute promo was to announce the steel cage main event between KO and Reigns. Not much to talk about here, just honestly one of many cringe-worthy, pointless segments on this show.
Rating: 2/5
As if one boring promo wasn't enough, Rusev does the usual "I'm a heel, let's moan and complain about grievances" concept we get in this company before Mick Foley announces that Rusev vs Seth Rollins is next.
The match itself was not bad at all, albeit, if there was no commentary, I would've enjoyed it... Anyhow, the two had a great match with one another here, highly competitive, but the spot that definitely left its mark on me was the leap of faith from the announce table off the stage by Rollins. For the most part, enjoyable. I wish I had more to say about it but it seems like they were fighting for no reason.
Rating: 3.5/5
We cut to the backstage area for you guessed it, another pointless segment. There might've been some thought put into it given the "tension" between Charlotte and Dana Brooke, but honestly I don't even understand the objective of that. Usually the ignorant protege/frustrated mentor is an entertaining dynamic, but just like with Maria and Allie last week on TNA Impact, this was just God-Awful. I hope they cut this angle off soon.
Rating: 1.5/5
After a much forgettable conversation between Chris Jericho and Kevin Owens, we get a match between Braun Strowman and Sin Cara. It was per usual with Strowman, absolute domination and no reprieve for his opponent. I enjoy the squash matches, takes me back to old 90s WWF Superstars. I seriously hope he gets bigger confrontations and an an actual feud soon, because that's gonna be an interesting test for this young behemoth of a man. Plus, his theme song is hilarious!
Rating: 3/5
At this point, I don't know whether or not I'm watching RAW, or playing Smackdown: Shut Your Mouth for the PS2, because there is an over-abundance of small conversations that repeat themselves and segments that are lackluster. Case and point, the unneeded banter between Sasha Banks and Bayley. However, we get an enjoyable tag match out of it between Sasha, Bayley and the dysfunctional, horrible heels known as Charlotte and Dana Brooke. Charlotte wins because why not have the most idiotic heel in history win a match, just why not? Other than that, nothing too amazing, just pretty good.
Rating: 3/5
Once we are through with Stephanie trying to sound less stupid and endorsing Kevin Owens although we all know she doesn't know jack about wrestling, we transition to a much more interesting jobber matches than the Strowman match, as Bo Dallas (who seems to be portraying a depressed character) faced a local competitor named Gary Graham. Aggression was very present in this match, and was the only non-frustrating thing about this entire show. With that said, I'm glad he's given more of a push now.
Rating: 3/5
Finally, for the first time tonight, no backstage segments after commercial break, just getting into the next match, as Sheamus faces Cesaro in another match of this Best of Seven Series. I feel like I'm not the only one completely hating on the idea, as it takes me back to the amazing Best of Seven Series Booker T and Chris Benoit had back in the day on Nitro. However, I sadly know others do not feel the same, so a lot of people are gonna call for this to end sooner rather than later. Regardless. great match, and I won't bash this idea as long as Cesaro goes over at the end of this all, because he needs it for the love of God.
Rating: 3.5/5
I legitimately thought it was impossible to have a good segment on this show, until the List of Jericho gave me a glimmer of hope. Sadly, not even that can be done right by this ignorant promotion, as it turned into a massive cluster of tag teams fighting while Jericho exclaims his "Stupid Idiot" catchphrase as if his life depended on it. I know it seems I'm too negative on this episode, but seriously, Vince should wake up and realize that his programming is declining in ratings because of idiocy like this every week. TNA is already dead, we don't need WWE to dig their own grave.
Rating: 2.5/5
The eight man tag between the heels and faces that followed was surprisingly decent. All eight of them worked very well and the faces won, applying any final build-up for Clash Of The Champions that they can. Everybody got their spots in, the heels had their momentary heat, overall a major success if you look at it in those terms.
Rating: 3/5
It seems like we've waited forever, and we finally have it, the Cruiserweight Division! I am a bit frustrated at WWE re-writing history yet again and Mick stumbling on his words, but those were minute nitpicks as this was the best part of the show by far. The match between Brian Kendrick, Gran Metalik, Rich Swann and Cedric Alexander was one to remember, as the new generation of wrestling fans had their first taste of the Cruiserweights, and the older fans had a flashback to the Monday Night Wars and the 2002-2004 era of SmackDown with this great match. Honestly, I hope WWE doesn't mess this up like they mess everything up, but if they do,at least we have this contest to grasp on to.
Rating; 4.5/5
You know what, I'm gonna make this short and sweet, the main event was hot garbage. The match could've been better given how good these two are in the ring, but these two far from connected last night. Depressingly enough, this crowd was dead to add insult to injury, and the commentary was dreadful as per usual. Maybe if the champion won for a change it would've been better, but the aging imbecile known as Vince McMahon just has to appeal to the muscle-bound troglodytes that infest this company with their stupid mannerisms and inability to connect to an audience.
Rating: 1.5/5
Overall Show rating: 3/5
Better show than usual, but still destructively terrible and outright horrible. Again, not much to attest to or speak about, I just seriously hate this company. Anyway, this is Cameron Mcdonley signing off and goodbye everybody!
Tuesday, September 20, 2016
ICW Fight Club #002
After the blood pumping, hype building and just downright amazing intro with some exquisite metal music, we waste no time taking it to the ring as we get ready for an ICW Tag Team Championship match! The announcer didn't even have a chance to speak before Pee Wee made his presence felt and announced the New Nation to the ring as their manager as they face the Local Fire, Joe Hendry and Davey Blaze. The match went on for a solid 10 minutes, There were some really good technical moves and working over body parts, but the contest didn't go too far, as Polo Promotions jumped the barricade and rolled into the ring with security blocking them off from both teams. The 50% ICW Owner, Mark Dallas grabs a mic and says he'll take violence and profanity, but not legalities, so he makes a decision. Polo Promotions will make their in-ring returns to ICW in two weeks on this show when they face the Local Fire in a ladder match for the Undisputed Tag Team Championships! However, that was not all, as he stated another bombshell, announcing that The Dudley Boyz will face the new tag champs at Fear And Loathing!!
Rating: 3.5/5
We come back to a short replay, retelling the events of Shug's Hoose Party when Mikey Whiplash, despite winning the main event against Trent Seven, pulled out of the Fear And Loathing title match and kick-started a hashtag #Trent4Hydro . We then cut to the ring, where Trent Seven makes his way down the aisle to a massive ovation from the Glasgow crowd. When he stepped into the ring, the look in his eyes told the whole story.
He means business, as he made his intentions short and sweet by calling out Wolfgang, the World Champion! Instead, we get the shocking return of Massimo, who we have not seen since his upset win over Douglas Williams at Barramania II. He cuts the typical promo, professing his case about how he deserves the top spot in Insane Championship Wrestling before the two traded strikes to start the match, 10 minutes of fist-to-fist brutality is displayed here, as these men use their already battered bodies as weapons in this fight, not allowing any time to breathe until Trent leveled his Italian adversary with a ring-shaking Trend Setter for the victory in a very hard-fought battle. As ICW fans speak their admiration for his wrestling ability louder than ever, it remains to be seen if this young man will get the opportunity of a lifetime at the Hydro Arena!
Rating: 3.5/5
Again, we get another show of excellence from ICW in this installment of Fight Club, as each match is greatly physical and very, very entertaining. I am undoubtedly excited beyond belief for this next month, as we get what should be an awe-inspiring ladder match and the return of Team 3D! Things are looking ever brighter for this company and I have full optimism that it will get even better before this year comes to a close!
Full Show Rating: 4/5
As much as I personally enjoy these reviews, this particular one must come to a somber end. Tomorrow night, I will review Monday Night RAW, so I urge you to be on the lookout for that. With that said, this is Cameron Mcdonley saying goodbye everybody!
Sunday, September 18, 2016
StandOut Rankings! September 12-19th
News: NJPW Legend Returning, Ryback On His Way To Japan
Hey guys, Tom Maher here to give you guys the news. This week we have huge rumours of a wrestling legend making his return to the squared circle, making his return to Japan. Recently, during the intermission of the G1 Climax we saw a vignette that read "Time Bomb is Exploding Soon!" Then we saw the date of November 5th.
If you don't know why November 5th is a big day this year for NJPW they will be holding Power Struggle which is the final pay per view leading up to the prestigious WrestleKingdom. Now, many people are wondering who and what this means. However a lot of people are speculating the return of a living legend.
Minoru Suzuki could be returning the ring to set up a match for the much prestigious WrestleKingdom. Many fans are praying that he returns. The man trained by Karl Gotch and the man that opened on of the very first MMA promotions is a huge name that could help gain more viewers for WK11. Suzuki has had two major matches in the last four years after winning Wrestling Observer's match of the year against Tanahashi in 2012 and Styles in 2014.
Many other people have speculated Ryan Reeves, better known under his ring name as Ryback, could be on his way to Japan. After sending a tweet in Japanese this has only heightened the chances and the hype over the big guy's debut. If we see Ryback in NJPW we are going to see some great matches. Him against Ishii would be awesome!
I hope this goes through, Maher out.
Wrestling Couple Tie The Knot
Earlier this week, wrestling couple, Johnny Gargano and Candice LeRae got married at a Disney resort hotel.
Other wrestlers were in attendance such as Joey Ryan and Gargano's tag team partner in NXT Tommaso Ciampa, who from the photos we can safely assume was Gargano's best man.
Gargano and LeRae had become something of a 'famous' wrestling couple before hand, and now they have tied the knot, it looks like that will be the same for many years to come.
As noted by other sources, Gargano will be working his last independent match on September 23rd, before he makes the switch to the corporate giants that are the WWE, and who is his opponent you ask? Well, her name is Candice LeRae.
Hulk Hogan WWE Return Coming Soon?
Rumours have recently surfaced that professional wrestling legend and icon Terry Bollea, better known under his ring name Hulk Hogan may be returning to our television screens as a WWE personality once again and not in the too distant future.
Bollea has been blacklisted from the wrestling promotion since audio of what were deemed to be racist remarks were released to the public after being leaked years after the audio was actually taken. This and the fact that a sexual intercourse tape with the latter mentioned being featured in it prevented any quick comeback to the WWE.
The name and character of Hulk Hogan have been pretty much completely ripped out of the history books since the two incidents, this has had a major effect on the content the company shows, as Hogan was a strong part of 80's/90's professional wrestling.
But as of late, the WWE have been dropping the ball ever so slightly with regards to a total lockdown on Hogan, with content featuring him being screened more and his name even getting the very occasional yet awkward mention.
It is reported that the WWE is almost ready to patch things up with Hogan, whom has actually been removed from its own hall of fame, but it isn't clear whether that's a permanent move or not. It seems likely and has been mentioned that the WWE want Hogan back for Wrestlemania 33, taking a similar role to that he played at Wrestlemania 30.
If Hogan does return to the WWE for Wrestlemania 33, let's just hope that he can actually remember what arena he is in this time, good luck Hulkster.
WWE's Cruiserweights: Seven men chosen to take center stage in Vince McMahon's promotion.
TJ Perkins, who was formerly known as Suicide/Manik in TNA has been called up to the main roster after becoming the new WWE Cruiserweight Champion. He is a former multiple-time X-Division Champion, one of the pioneers of Evolve and one of the standout performers in the Cruiserweight Classic.
Brian Kendrick, who arguably had the best in-ring work of his career until he was eliminated in the quarter finals, has been welcomed back to World Wrestling Entertainment with open arms as a veteran member of this illustrious division. With his years of experience and his well-rounded style, fans casual and hardcore will see a new side of him that nobody has ever seen before.
Another Evolve and CZW mainstay, Rich Swann has been added to the already stacked crop of talent in this division. His high-flying style and his impressive agility will fit perfectly in this critically acclaimed division of wrestlers.
A newer wrestler not seen anywhere except in his native Mexico, Gran Metalik will look to incorporate a lethal dose of Lucha Libre into the division, as the man is quick on his feet, highly athletic and is very intense with every movement.
Ring Of Honor has its place in this division as well with the inclusion of Cedric Alexander! Unlike most of the participants, this man applies a much more physical aspect to an already high-octane level of competition, especially with his signature backbreaker.
Wrestling out of Puerto Rico, Lince Dorado has a huge opportunity in front of him as a part of WWE. While he has a scarce amount of experience, expect this man to show a great deal of heart anytime he makes his presence felt in the squared circle!
Noam Dar is the final man announced to be in this division. For those who don't watch Progress, ICW or Evolve, this young stud brings a much more technical and smash-mouth style to this than the rest. He can take you to the mat and stretch you, but he also does not have any problem with taking you down with a well timed elbow or kick to the side of the cranium.
That is an exciting revelation in this sport today. I am Cameron Mcdonley, and I will see you again soon!
Saturday, September 17, 2016
ICW Fight Club Review: Episode #001
Heavy metal music blares into your living rooms as the show begins with an intro fit for a company named Insane Championship Wrestling! Billy Kirkwood introduces the audience at home to the show while the crowd screams multiple inane profanities! God, I love this promotion!
Our first match of the night is a continuation of the most personal feud in ICW history, as former best friends Stevie Boy and BT Gunn go face to face once again. This time, these two don't hold anything back, as every strike, hold, move and chairshot was done with unbelievable malice. It seriously had to be the longest 15 minutes of their lives! Sheer ruthlessness was shown by both men, but none more than by Stevie Boy as he lodged his former mentor's neck in a chair, stomped on it and did a sadistic variation of a con-chair-to, leaving him absolutely incapacitated. As if it wasn't personal enough, this rivalry has escalated to the point of no return!
Rating: 4.5/5
Time was not wasted for a commercial break, as Red Lightning and the ICW Heavyweight Champion Wolfgang make their entrances to the ring. Mark Dallas interrupts his business associate and asks for somebody from the back to accept Wolfgang's open challenge. Out of all people to make the challenge, the concussed DCT begs to face the champion, although he is not medically cleared. Both principal owners of the company rejected his request, but he would have none of it, as he forced the hand of both to make the match by blindsiding Wolfgang. That was the only time he would get offense on the "Big Bad Wolf" however. It was 25 minutes of destruction with the challenger being fed to a carnivore. Shot after shot was focused on the head, and it wasn't before long until the referee stopped the match, declaring Wolfgang as the remorseless winner. Red Lightning and his mercenary walk through the curtain almost amused at DCT barely having the wherewithal to stand. It seems clear that this new era has changed the life of Mark Dallas for the worse, as he now has a liability on his hands.
Rating: 4/5
It was definitely a great hour of wrestling television, and I hope this show will not be short-lived, as I want to see more of this phenomenal promotion. Great wrestling, entertaining storylines and excessive profanity seems to be the perfect fit for this show.
Full Show Rating: 4/5
I have to reluctantly state that this effectively concludes the review. I am Cameron Mcdonley, and I will see you tomorrow afternoon for a review of ICW Fight Club #002. So long everybody!!
News: ROH Star On His Way To WWE
Hey guys, it's Tom Maher and in this blog we're going to be talking about how current Ring of Honor champion could be quickly dropping the belt due to rumours of a move to WWE. Last year something similar happened to three top talents however after several contract negotiations the stars remained put. This time it may be different.
Adam Cole won the belt from Jay Lethal at the most recent ROH pay per view. Jay Lethal's year long reign finally came to a halt as bullet club leader pinned Lethal for the 1...2...3. Adam Cole is a great asset to ROH as he leads the well known faction Bullet Club. After losing two of the Bullet Club's leaders in a few years with the likes of Prince Devitt, now Finn Balor, and AJ Styles jumping ship to the big time.
However, these two men have been very successful in the WWE as Finn Balor has held the WWE Universal Championship and AJ Styles is the current WWE World Heavyweight Champion. This could mean Adam Cole can be just as successful. Without a shadow of a doubt Cole can be an outstanding addition to either the main roster or NXT.
The man has bags of charisma mixed with a fantastic character and his wrestling ability is not far off amazing either. I hope this goes through and we Adam Cole as a champion in the very near future. Maher Out!
News: ECW Killed Proffesional Wrestling?
Recently in an interview with a wrestling site ECW legend Tommy Dreamer was talking about UK wrestling and how when he signed with the WWE that he would scout this young British talent and he would hire them to the company so a lot of the British superstars you saw today has came from
Then, later in the interview the journalist asked Tommy Dreamer about wrestling today and how it's declined in quality so much after the last 20 years and he replied with this. "I think ECW spurred a lot of garbage wrestling. Guys would look at myself and Sandman and think that they could put on a T-Shirt and sweatpants and call themselves a wrestler. There’s a lot more to it. There are some seriously great workers out there in the UK."
When thinking about the situation he does, unfortunately, have a great point. Anyway my question is what do you guys think the cause in the decline of wrestling was? I say that people aren't willing to venture to different companies like ROH and Lucha Underground. Talent over there are slowly earning more recognition but it's 10x less what they truly deserve.