Saturday, September 17, 2016

Impact Wrestling Review: 9/15/16

Welcome back everybody, I am Cameron Mcdonley! Once again, I bring to you a review, this time for one of the most controversial wrestling companies in the world today, Total Nonstop Action! Yes, I am reviewing the September 15th edition of Impact Wrestling so now that I'm through with my incessant introductions, let's talk about this episode, shall we?

The show opens with a segment involving "Broken" Matt Hardy and Brother Nero, as Matt reincarnates his brother. There was many moments filled with ridiculousness like only the Hardy's can do which is always a treat to watch every week, but the icing on the cake was seeing Anti-Christ Jeff Hardy make an appearance in his trademark purple suit and smoking a cigarette ever slowly before we saw Brother Nero return to life. Overall a fun segment, I would watch it again.
Rating; 3.5/5 

This program changes tone very rapidly, as we transition from a moment of absolute hilarity to another enjoyable segment that was very serious and intense. Bobby Lashley cuts another good promo, warning anyone in the locker room not to fight him while physically threatening Jeremy Borash when Grado makes his entrance to the six-sided ring for his weekly dose of a bone-shattering spear. Moose clears the ring of Lashley and makes it very clear that he wants to fight "The Destroyer" tonight at any cost.
Rating: 3/5 

Our first match of the night is the debut of Aron Rex, as he faces Trevor Lee in a Grand Championship Tournament match. It's a very solid contest, as the two had a match that really epitomized what the tournament was all about. It's meant to be presented as legitimate while operating in the confines of a worked match. A great platform for wrestlers to show their talents,and this showed it, as Aron Rex showed an excellent side of him unlike we've ever seen. I'm very intrigued, especially if the end game in all of this is a match between himself and his nemesis Drew Galloway.
Rating: 3.5/5 

In a segment that was truly the only negative spot of the show, Maria Kanellis and Allie "cordially" invite Gail Kim to the ring for a hoax introduction into the TNA Hall of Fame. Maria showed video highlights of what they've done to Kim the past few weeks to the noticeable chagrin of the pioneer knockout. Only bright spot of the whole segment was the amusing banter between Allie and Maria, but that was it, as the rest of the segment didn't feel enjoyable from the moment it commenced. If done a little better it could've been a least fun, but that's not what went on, so I'm disappointed to vocalize that I didn't like this compartment of the broadcast.
Rating: 2/5  

For what this last section of the show lacked in creativity, this Empty Arena match involving Rockstar Spud and Braxton Sutter excelled at. I wasn't expecting a plentiful supply of a robust encounter, but that is what I was exposed to in this brawl for the lack of a better term. It was seriously an example of storytelling that could be given fantastic repute, as they really conveyed this rivalry in a non-conventional method. Physicality was at its peak from beginning to end and I guarantee you, Rockstar Spud won't forget the image of him choking on his own blood for many moons to come.
Rating: 4/5 

We are provided another exquisite look at "Broken" Matt Hardy, as he revitalizes Vanguard 1, rescues Senior Benjamin from his unfortunate kidnapping, and made his way to the Zone Of Impact. This character that Matt has chosen to portray has breathed life into his career and the company he works for in general. It's not with exaggeration in my tone that I express how much I enjoy his segments. His promo later on with Decay was substantially enjoyable and furthered storylines, but his segments will never desecrate its luster. Very intrigued about this "Great War" match,whatever that may be at Bound For Glory.
Rating: 4/5 

TNA pays homage to their history in this next match,as Gail Kim, Jade, Sienna, Laurel Vanness, Marti Bell, Raquel and Madison Rayne competed in a gauntlet match to claim the #1 contender's spot for Maria's Knockouts championship. It wasn't anywhere near the level of the past gauntlets that the Knockouts used to participate in, but it was definitely a strong showing by all women, although Gail Kim predictably obtained the victory. I don't mind that however, as this Maria/Gail Kim angle needs closure before it's taken any further.
Rating: 3.5/5 

As advertised in the beginning of this presentation, Moose and Bobby Lashley do clash, but only for 10 minutes, as these two goliaths come to blows before the match had a chance to begin! Exchanging fists with disregard to anyone else, the crowd is loving it until EC3 returns to the Impact Zone, clears them both out of the ring and sends a message with the upmost clarity. He has one thing on his mind, and that's claiming the one thing that in his mind, he never lost. The TNA World Heavyweight Championship...
Rating: 3.5/5 

There were some low points, and very high points in this episode, but to put this in universal perspective, I never felt like it was unwatchable, or that I should clutch the remote as tightly as Maria clutched the Knockouts Championship. I am thoroughly entertained and satisfied with this week's episode.
Rating: 3.5/5 

That was the conclusion of this review! Until I review ICW Fight Club episodes #001 and #002 this weekend, this is Cameron Mcdonley saying goodbye everybody!

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