Tuesday, September 27, 2016

ICW Fight Club #003 Review

Welcome back ladies and gentlemen, I am your Local Hero Cameron Mcdonley, and I'm coming at you with another review. This time, it's ICW's latest edition of Fight Club, episode #003. Although there was only one match on this episode unfortunately, it was a very good one and a hot crowd was undoubtedly on hand, so let's discuss this shorter 30 minute episode of what was a great show!

The show starts with the announcement of the main event as Noam Dar, Grado and Sha Samuels, collectively known as the Pinky Party, making their entrances to a raucous crowd in The Garage! The crowd was singing their theme and adding new lyrics for the better part of 10 minutes until Red Lightning made his appearance. He tried his best to kill the crowd dead, as he hated that these three were getting more attention than him. Drew Galloway and Jack Jester were introduced to a unanimous negative reaction from the fanbase on hand this evening. Lionheart comes out after that and everybody sings about how he is a "faggot".
Rating: 4/5

The match itself was overwhelmingly entertaining, as the crowd's usual vocal insanity was kicked up a noticeable notch for this match. This had a serious fight feel to it and everybody was on their game for this match. Noam Dar kicked as hard as I've ever seen him kick ever, he brought it on his last night in ICW with every strike and technical maneuver he applied. Drew Galloway still has the most beautiful Belly To Belly Suplex in the business today by far. I have seriously never seen a wrestler suplex another with as much tenacity as he did, or at least not since Scott Steiner. Jack Jester was as phenomenal as usual and Lionheart inadvertently connected with a breathtaking dropkick, leaving him out of the match for a considerable amount of time. The match started to break down, everybody exploded out of the gate with their finishes one after the other until Sha Samuels leveled every heel in that ring with a spinebuster. He was setting up for a package piledriver on Jester when Kid Fite shockingly returned! Fite grabs a chair and hits him twice in the head, allowing Lionheart to end the match with a sickening sit-out piledriver for the pinfall victory. Outstanding match, I had way too much fun watching it.
Rating: 4.5/5 

Preceding this intense contest, the Black Label laid out everyone in the ring, took Dar and Grado out of the ring, leaving Samuels at the mercy and unwavering hate of the people standing above him. They kept assaulting him with a steel chair on every part of the body, including the repeated chairshots to the pinky. Red Lightning then grabbed a mic, making a gutsy challenge to his sworn enemy, the other 50% owner by the name of Mark Dallas. He proposed a 5 on 5 winner take all match for Fear And Loathing IX at the Hydro on November 20th! Whoever wins that match, if Dallas accepts, will obtain 100% control of Insane Championship Wrestling....
Rating: 4.5/5

Full Show Rating; 4.5/5 

There you have it ladies and gentlemen, I had the pleasure of sitting through another fun ICW show, and in my opinion, was well worth watching instead of the Presidential Debate. I hope you all have a swell night, and if you're in the United States like myself, try not to fall asleep to the idiocy of the debate..

This is the Review Guy, Cameron Mcdonley saying Goodbye Everybody!

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