Wednesday, September 28, 2016

NXT Star Returning Soon

           Hello everyone, it is Austin Hoagland here for your latest wrestling news. It has been reported recently by WWE's developmental branch NXT's twitter page that one of it's injured superstars will be making a return at the September 29th live event in Lakeland, Florida. The man who will be returning? "The Drifter" Elias Samson.

          Samson suffered an ankle injury in June, just as he was starting to gain some traction. He is seen as a polarizing figure within the NXT fans. There are some that absolutely hate his gimmick and everything about him while others think he is a very valuable member of the star-studded NXT roster.

            Samson made his debut in NXT in early 2014, but has never really gained the momentum some wanted him to. This return could help bring him into the main event NXT status, but in that part of the card he might be overshadowed by big stars like Nakamura, Aries, Roode, and Joe. The only thing known for Samson is his future is not clear. You'll just have to wait and see.

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