Thursday, September 29, 2016

ROH Episode #262 Review: 9/28/16

I have returned once again ladies and gents, my name is Cameron Mcdonley, and I am a certified reviewer, and a bonafide smark, and you can't teach that. This website right here, is Rest Hold Party, it is the greatest ever and you can't teach that. Bada Boom, realest reviewer in the room, how ya' readin'!

Yeah, safe to say I won't ever do that lame intro ever again. Anyway, this is one of two reviews for the day, this one is ROH, Episode 262. There are nothing but positive things that needed to be said about this episode as usual, so let's get to another great show!

The show begins with a match between "Pro Wrestling's Last Real Man" Silas Young, and Toru Yano. The match was an entertaining one, filled with the wild antics of the GHC Tag Team Champion and the counteractive negativity of Silas Young. The story told was one of comical taste, but the in-ring action was stiff and didn't let up, although everybody payed attention to Yano's hilarity throughout the contest. The match ends with Silas Young using old school heel tactics to get the win, marking the 3rd time in three consecutive weeks that a Ring Of Honor competitor obtained a victory over a New Japan or Pro Wrestling NOAH performer. Tides are changing in ROH, and it's certainly to make this amazing show even better! Great match, enjoyed every minute of it!
Rating: 3.5/5 

Preceding this comedic and fun match, the show takes a more serious tone for the remainder of the hour, starting with an epic, passionate promo from "The Fallen Angel" Christopher Daniels. I swear to God, I have not seen a promo this intense, this emotional, this heartfelt and genuine in almost a decade. From his facial mannerisms to his body language all the way down to speaking about him being a horrible father and husband, this just screamed passion straight from the heart. A life without the Ring Of Honor World Tag Team Championships is a life he's not interested in, and he'd rather watch his family die than to let go of his championship belt. Although the feelings are certainly not legitimate, the way he conveyed his thoughts and feelings felt that way, and I don't know about you, but I consider that a job well done.
Rating: 5/5 

From here, the show goes from serious and somber, to a tone of absolute darkness reigning over Las Vegas. Punishment Martinez went one on one against Cheeseburger and brutally dominated, but that's far, far from the primary thing worth mentioning in this match. Steve Corino and Kevin Sullivan were conversing back and forth, with the former leader of S.C.U.M failing to understand the reason why he was spiked on the head by his prodigal father at Best In The World earlier this year. Will Ferrara tried to help his fallen brethren after the contest, but the beating continued with no saving grace as BJ Whitmer laid out Ferrara and continued to assault him after he was unconscious. Sullivan dared and nearly begged Corino to put his hands on him and the rest of his "family", but nothing of the sort was done.

We come back from commercial break with a replay of a promo by Whitmer that was done during the advertisements, stating that Corino's day to make the decision is upon him, that they are his salvation and he is theirs. Recovering from that statement,"The King Of Old School" was seen gazing at the spike that started this all back in June. When asked by his broadcast partner Kevin Kelly about confronting him in the desert, all that came out of his mouth was a yes. I for one, am very intrigued by this entire angle and am hoping to find our what this confrontation in the desert will entail. Just a fantastic angle, one of the best I've seen in this business since the mid-2000's, if not ever.
Rating: 4.5/5 

Most of the promos in the All-Star Extravaganza preview were really enjoyable, but the one that stood out to be the most was Adam Cole's. It wasn't one of the best promos ever and it certainly will not be as timeless as the one we witnessed from Daniels earlier, however it still implored me to listen to every word that the leader of the Bullet Club had to say, so it was still as great as the promos we've been hearing tonight. Most of all, it sold me even more to a rematch that I've been waiting to see since Best In The World 2014, and by all accounts that makes this a great promo. Well done.
Rating: 4/5 

The main event of the already eventful evening was "Unbreakable" Michael Elgin and Hiroshi Tanahashi vs The Bullet Club (Adam Cole & Hangman Page), and I must say, it was far from a bad match as you can get. Tanahashi may not be the ace of Japan anymore, but he still can wrestle in that ring at the highest level, and this match is all the evidence you need of that. Even with a recurring back injury, this man can still wrestle better at 80% than most wrestlers can in their prime physical condition. Elgin displayed his inhuman power in every move and hold as per usual, and Adam Cole was once again at his best, especially when he sold for his opponent. Nobody in ROH sells like their world champion, I can assure you that. Hangman Page was the dark horse in this match, as he may not have been the most physical, but he had the traits of a classic heel with everything he did. Overall, I was highly entertained and enthralled by this match, as it completed its objective to inject a lethal dose of the hype train into their upcoming PPV this Friday.
Rating: 4.5/5

Full Show Rating: 4.75/5

That my readers, will wrap up another fine review, but don't smash the panic button, as I'll be back here at 10:00 tonight releasing another Lucha Underground review. I am the Local Hero, the Review Guy Cameron Mcdonley, and at least for the rest of the evening, goodnight everybody!

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