Sunday, September 25, 2016

Exclusive Interview With NGW Trainee!

Hello beautiful people my name is Tom Maher and today I have an exclusive interview which you have never seen before where I go behind the ropes with a NGW Trainee known as Cole. He is 16 years old and is an aspiring wrestler. Let's talk to him!
TM: So, Cole, tell us a little bit about yourself, who you are and what you do.
Cole: Well we can keep this answer quite simple... I'm a NGW trainee hoping to make it big in the wrestling community. Impressing the fans and making a name for myself with my athletic abilities
TM: That's Awesome! Tell the people a little bit about your gimmick and style of wrestling.
Cole: Well just like everyone else in the wrestling business I'm not going to stop until I'm the greatest. But unlike others I'm using my body as a weapon even if that hurts myself
TM: That's cool. Let's move on to some general wrestling questions. So, do you remember the match that got you into wrestling and initiated your love with sports entertainment?
Cole: Well what got me into wrestling wasnt just one match. Ive been a fan of wrestling since a young age watching the Hardy boys. Jeff inspired who i am today with his stunts what risked his own life and he stood out for me. But the matches you see today just keep getting better and better... For example, Bayley vs Sasha. Incredible match. Shinsuke Nakamura vs Sami Zayn. All these incredible matches. But not only is it WWE the uk wrestling scene is growing and getting better everyday. Some of the greatest wrestlers today came from the UK such as Zack Sabre Jr. Jack Gallagher and Nathan Cruz
TM: I have to agree. The rise of companies like Progress, RPW, ICW, NGW and more is really aiding the growth in top class wrestlers. Next up, what is your favourite match of all time?
Cole: One of my favourites is Sasha vs Bayley. It really gave the women wrestlers the respect they deserve as they train just as hard as the male wrestlers.
TM: Completely agree with you! Now, who's your favourite wrestler currently?
Cole: I dont have just one favourite as i love the technical wrestling of jack gallagher and zack sabre jr. But i love the high flying work of ricochet. The tag team ability from American Alpha, the Revival and The Young bucks
TM: Awesome answer! Now let's get into your work as a trainee. So, for people possible wanting to get into wrestling what should they be aware of?
Cole: Well if they want to get into wrestling it's a lot of work. Not only is it the training in the ring its the conditioning and staying fit. Its the work you do one the outside watching
matches and adding things to your arsenal.
TM: Great advice! Any habits people should avoid doing?
Cole: Well my advice would definitely be tp stay away from drugs. I know people often go on about it but it really messes up your body. I'd avoid smoking and drinking as it messes up your stamina and you need the endurance to carry on through your matches.
TM: Now we're going to come to a close with our second to last question. Is their any promotions you would love to wrestle for?
Cole: Any company whether thats in the Uk or elsewhere but i think most peoples aim is for WWE
TM: Agreed, agreed. Final question, what is your favourite promotion besides WWE.
Cole: It'd have to be NGW as they have trained me and will continue to train me till I make it pro.
TM: Awesome! Thanks Cole I really appreciate you talking with us tonight! Best of luck with your career!

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