Sunday, September 25, 2016

Unsettling Differences: An Interview With Blue Smock Nancy

Hello, i am the Local Hero, the Review Guy, Cameron Mcdonley and welcome to a special interview! This is one of the best independent bands today, a band that created one of the most iconic ROH themes in its entire history, the one and only, Blue Smock Nancy:

CM: Please welcome, my guest at this time, Blue Smock Nancy. How are you doing today?

BSN: I'm doing very well thank you, and I hope you are too!

CM: Thank you very much! Alright, first question: was Unsettling Differences intended for Kevin Steen or did ROH contact you and pay you to use that song specifically?

BSN: Little back story,Colt Cabana is a mutual friend of an artist I work with. Colt contacted us about doing "A Thrust Is A Must" (Rhett Titus), and then "Boom Boom" for himself. People were really happy with them so then [Kevin] Steen contacted me directly and asked for a song. By this point, I had been to several matches and hung out backstage meeting the ROH guys, If you watch the music video for Rush Rock Remix you'll see we kinda had access to the whole place that night which was beyond fun. So ultimately, the wrestlers knew to contact me directly and that I would work a deal with them,then grant ROH the license to use them.

CM: That is very interesting. I am a huge Kevin Steen fan and the theme itself. Great stuff. Next question, what went into the creative process of writing that song?

BSN: I watched one-hundred Steen clips on YouTube to get a sense of what he was all about. Then I asked him what song he wanted, what sort of pace he wanted to walk out at and what effect he wanted. He sent me two examples: one was a Coheed and Cambria song and I don't remember the other. I started with the pounding toms and the song kinda just wrote itself. I don't remember much after that,specifically when I'm in the zone or studio. It's kinda like that.

CM: That is definitely interesting, a lot of creative process had to have gone into such a work of art and I honestly hope you make more themes, which leads me to my next question. Are you planning to make any new themes for ROH or any other wrestling promotion?

BSN: The last couple I was asked to do, I turned down. I enjoy doing it but honestly, I have had so much music illegally downloaded and traded by so-called fans that it kinda killed it for me. YouTube Unsettling Differences and see how many people have free download links in their descriptions. Those same people will argue with me that what they are doing isn't wrong and. between that and YouTube to Mp3, it's impossible to make a reasonable income off of music these days, so I focus more on recording other bands and getting back to playing instruments. I have released a bunch of songs on Soundcloud and have 2 albums of unfinished Blue Smock material so I'll put that out whenever I have a chance to finish it up.

CM: That's a shame. It's not difficult to spend a couple of bucks on a theme you like, but that's my opinion.

BSN: It is frustrating to say the least, but the real fans are incredible. I agree. i spend money on anything that makes my daily life better and music is certainly one of those things.

CM: Agreed. two more questions left after this and one of them is a side question if you have time, but before that, I want to ask another question. Are you still a wrestling fan?

BSN: So my wrestling fan history got started as as a little kid watching Saturday Night's Main Event on NBC which would've been around seven years old in 1985. I grew up in Chicago so WWF would come to town and I remember going to three events over the years, seeing Hogan, Earthquake, Brutus The Barber, all those old school dudes. The entrance themes always got me super pumped so it had actually been something I've wanted to do since I was young.

CM: Do you watch any wrestling promotions currently?

BSN: At the moment, I don't. I'm not into the WWE product, not my thing, but I watch the old WWF and ECW videos when I'm in the mood. I also check out my ROH clips when they come my way.

CM:Nice, I highly recommend the 7.99 ROH Ringside Membership if you're a fan, very much worth it for all the old and new stuff, except for certain PPVs. Anyway, as a side question, any certain favorite wrestlers?

BSN: Favorite Wrestler? Current: Kevin Steen [Owens] All Time: Ultimate Warrior

CM: Thanks so much for your time. Anyway, anything else you'd like to add before we sign off?

BSN: Not really. Thanks for the opportunity though! I could go on forever about this stuff so hopefully I wasn't too scattered *laughs*

CM: You were definitely not, I enjoyed it! Anyway, that was Blue Smock Nancy, I am the Review Guy Cameron Mcdonley, and we say goodbye everybody!

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