Saturday, September 17, 2016

News: ECW Killed Proffesional Wrestling?

Recently in an interview with a wrestling site ECW legend Tommy Dreamer was talking about UK wrestling and how when he signed with the WWE that he would scout this young British talent and he would hire them to the company so a lot of the British superstars you saw today has came from

Then, later in the interview the journalist asked Tommy Dreamer about wrestling today and how it's declined in quality so much after the last 20 years and he replied with this. "I think ECW spurred a lot of garbage wrestling. Guys would look at myself and Sandman and think that they could put on a T-Shirt and sweatpants and call themselves a wrestler. There’s a lot more to it. There are some seriously great workers out there in the UK."


When thinking about the situation he does, unfortunately, have a great point. Anyway my question is what do you guys think the cause in the decline of wrestling was? I say that people aren't willing to venture to different companies like ROH and Lucha Underground. Talent over there are slowly earning more recognition but it's 10x less what they truly deserve.

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