Saturday, September 17, 2016

News: ROH Star On His Way To WWE

Hey guys, it's Tom Maher and in this blog we're going to be talking about how current Ring of Honor champion could be quickly dropping the belt due to rumours of a move to WWE. Last year something similar happened to three top talents however after several contract negotiations the stars remained put. This time it may be different.

Adam Cole won the belt from Jay Lethal at the most recent ROH pay per view. Jay Lethal's year long reign finally came to a halt as bullet club leader pinned Lethal for the 1...2...3. Adam Cole is a great asset to ROH as he leads the well known faction Bullet Club. After losing two of the Bullet Club's leaders in a few years with the likes of Prince Devitt, now Finn Balor, and AJ Styles jumping ship to the big time.

However, these two men have been very successful in the WWE as Finn Balor has held the WWE Universal Championship and AJ Styles is the current WWE World Heavyweight Champion. This could mean Adam Cole can be just as successful. Without a shadow of a doubt Cole can be an outstanding addition to either the main roster or NXT.

The man has bags of charisma mixed with a fantastic character and his wrestling ability is not far off amazing either. I hope this goes through and we Adam Cole as a champion in the very near future. Maher Out!

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