Saturday, September 24, 2016

Cody Rhodes in TNA!?

That's right, people. Cody Rhodes (Or Cody so far in Impact) has officially signed with TNA, and if this isn't big news I don't know what is! A veteran signing with TNA?; This could pretty much boost their fan base. The one problem is they might not have been able to get the “Rhodes" name to come with him. He's already debuted, but I'm still shocked he signed so quickly after his departure from Vince McMahon's WWE. Hopefully he and Aaron Rex can get to get together and rejoin as the Rhodes Scholars! They we're absolutely amazing during that run, and I'd be very very VERY HAPPY with that happening. Hopefully he can wrestler under his old name, or even Stardust. O_o

Anyway, It's been MH of Amino, and I'm signing out.

Instagram: makaihybarger79961
Twitter: @MHAmino79961

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