Thursday, September 15, 2016

Lucha Underground Review 9/14/16

Hello, Cameron Mcdonley here and it is my distinct honor to welcome you to my first blog. We're kicking things off in a huge way with a review of a critically acclaimed wrestling program known as Lucha Underground. There's a lot to discuss regarding this week's edition so let's get to it!

The show begins with footage from after Ultima Lucha Dos went off the air, as Joey Ryan, Cortez Castro and Captain Vasquez are sitting in frustration as to what they just heard unfold between Dario Cueto and Mr. Cisco. Castro fights with Joey Ryan and vows to get revenge for Cisco, but Vasquez tells him there's a war much bigger than getting retribution for his friend.
Rating 4/5 

After we get the usual opening band and monologue from Matt Striker and Vampiro, our first in-ring segment of the night is a match (if you wish to call it that) between Dr. Wagner Jr and Mascarita Sagrada. The match ends in under a minute as Dr. Wagner gets a pinfall victory over the little man while Famous B watches with a cocky smirk on his face
Rating 3/5

We switch gears from that match to go to another one, this time it's a little bit more competitive between Mil Muertes and Argenis, albeit still utter brutality on the part of the Man Of 1000 Deaths. While Catrina pops the crowd with her famous Lick of Death, here comes Prince Puma to clear the ring of the two, making it well known that he's taking the advice of Vampiro very seriously.
Rating 4/5 

For the rest of the night before the main event, we get segments branching the angle between the LAPD and Dario Cueto, including two very notable ones where Joey Ryan tells Dario he's gonna cover up Cisco's murder and revealing his own partner Cortez Castro to be a police officer. Cortez is obviously very unaware of this as he tells Vasquez he's on her side and he gets sent to the temple. If I were to make a prediction right now, Cortez Castro is probably the first one to be killed off in this series.
Rating 5/5 

After an hour of domination by the heels and segments branching together a great angle, we get to our main event, a Weapons Of Mass Destruction match between Marty The Moth and Killshot. Without spoiling too much of this gruesome match, these two destroyed each other beyond belief with a whole arsenal of weapons at their disposal for 35+ minutes until Killshot risked life and limb to take out Marty Martinez and end their feud once and for all. Judging from his hand gestures and dialogue to the ring announcer Melissa Santos, I see things ending up becoming even darker between them than they are now.
Rating 5/5   

Overall, the entire show was a treat to watch, as per usual. It always leaves me wanting more at every twist and turn, and I can say with the upmost sincerity that I can't wait for next week's episode!

Full Show Rating: 4.5/5 

Well that's it for this review, I'll see you all later tonight with a review of Ring Of Honor Wrestling, episode 260. Until then, this is Cameron Mcdonley saying goodbye everybody!

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