Thursday, September 29, 2016

Lucha Underground Review: September 28th, 2016

Lucha! Lucha! Lucha! That's right ladies and gentlemen, it is indeed time for another Lucha Underground review, courtesy of Cameron Mcdonley, the Man of 1,000 Reviews. This one was a very stacked show, with very good matches and seeds planted for future angles so without further ado, let's flip out of the ring and into this great show!

As a precursor to the normal intro, we see a backstage segment involving Dario Cueto and Sexy Star, who is the current Gift Of The Gods Champion. Dario says that Sexy Star should fear having that championship around her waist, because if she ever fights his brother Matanza, she would be destroyed like the rest of his opponents.
He also announces an Atomicos match between the Trios Champions, herself and Worldwide Underground later on in the show.  After he leaves, Johnny Mundo appears, making Sexy very aware that he could be the next Gift Of The Gods Champion very soon.
Rating: 3/5 

Following the usual band playing and the commentators welcoming us to the show, we get a match between Sinestra De La Muerte and a much more intense Prince Puma. The match was a lot more calculating and psychology-based than a lot of Puma's matches in The Temple, and the Believers saw every minute of that evident newfound dark intensity. Every kick, strike, submission hold and even the natural high spots in his arsenal were all met with a luchador who wrestles with more purpose than ever before. He connected brutally with a spinning Michinoku Driver at the end, but with Mil Muertes watching at ringside, he picked up his already destroyed opponent for a Flatliner obviously intended to mock the Man of 1,000 deaths. Muertes and Puma brawl furiously after the match with Puma getting the upper hand, forcing Catrina's hand to send her man packing. This feud is definitely far from over.
Rating: 3.5/5 

Preceding the match and the commercial break after it, Dario Cueto is seen in his office with Cortez Castro, trying to counterfeit non-existing care for his former Crew member. He promises to bring the real killer to justice, which is foreshadowing something happening later on in the season, I can't quite put my finger on it. He books Castro in a match against Pentagon Dark, which at this point is like feeding a premature infant to the wolves.
Rating: 3/5 

Immediately succeeding the segment, we cut straight to the match between Cortez Castro and Pentagon Dark. It didn't last too long, but there was a lot of stiff shots landed on the opposing sides, including the sequence at the end which concluded with one of the most vicious Package Piledrivers I've ever seen. Out of all the moves in the match, that one seriously made me wince seeing it. Thank God Lucha Underground doesn't show post-match replays, because many viewers at home would have excruciating pain in their neck looking at that spot. I really hope that isn't the end for Castro, I would very much appreciate seeing this storyline progress further than just getting his arm broken by a psychopath. Pentagon cuts a profanity-laced promo on Chavo Guerrero and El Dragon Azteca, stating that he doesn't even respect his own mother, which is dangerous for either one of them. Short promo, but it certainly got the point across, that's for sure.
Rating: 3/5 

This episode was seriously so fun to watch, the time seemed to pass by, as I asked myself "Is the co-main event already happening?" Yes, it is already upon us, and a fun match it was! The aggression was an incontrovertible integral part of this match, as there was no letting up or pulling any punches in this contest. For all the comedic value of Jack Evans and the high spots of Mundo & Aerostar, Drago, PJ Black, Taya and Sexy Star all left with considerable welts and bruises on their bodies. Taya seemed like she was injured after the match and Sexy was busted open at the corner of her eye, but other than that, it was an incredibly solid match that I enjoyed throughout.
Rating: 4.5/5 

We discontinue the ringside feed to see Catrina in her lair with Mil Muertes. She grabs Sinestra De La Muerte, snaps his neck, and puts his soul into her body, effectively killing somebody she brought to life in the first place. She then turns to Mil and says that he "needs this" before transferring Sinestra's soul into his body, turning his eyes red once more. I have a gut feeling, we're gonna see a different side of Mil Muertes and Catrina that we've never seen in the past, I can sense it.
Rating: 3.5/5 

The main event is right now! Chavo Guerrero goes one on one against El Dragon Azteca Jr, with Rey Mysterio Jr as the special guest referee! Now this was easily the best match of the night by far, as these two had a great encounter. You had your perfect mixture of high-flying, physical shots, technical wrestling and psychology, all thrown together into one exceptional competition. Storytelling was also a major factor in this match, as you could see the frustration of Rey and Chavo with one another throughout the heated bout. It reached a immovable breaking point when Guerrero striking Rey, provoking him to retaliate with a punch. Azteca acquired the victory with a hurricanrana and a noticeable fast count from the "official", preventing Chavo from eventually getting his hands on Pentagon Dark. Rey impacted his bitter rival with a 619. ending the in-ring portion of the show.
Rating: 4.75/5 

Heretofore we went off the air, a promo hyping the return of Black Lotus as she was eyeing the temple while sitting next to a group of ninjas was depicted om the screen. Looks like she'll be coming back soon, hopefully as a heel still working under the guidance of Dario Cueto. Good promo overall, not much to say
Rating: 3/5

Full Show Rating: 4.5/5

As much as all good things must come to an end, I was dreading the conjecture of this review, as I had a great time writing it. Sadly it has to come, but not to worry, I'll be back with a review of the final TNA Impact tomorrow and an All-Star Extravaganza review shortly after the PPV goes off the air. As for tonight, this is Cameron Mcdonley saying Goodbye Everybody!

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