Wednesday, September 21, 2016

WWE RAW Review: 9/19/16

I'm not a good guy, I'm not a bad guy, I'm a review guy! Hello, I am Cameron Mcdonley, and yes, when you see my name on this screen, it's time for another review, filled with my incessant rants, ratings and overall thoughts. Since there is a lot, positive and negative to discuss, let's skip the unnecessary talking and get straight to the walking! Grab your blankets, this is gonna be a sleepy ride.

Roman Reigns comes down to the ring as the crowd unleashes their hate on him to start the show. He was about to talk until Stephanie McMahon interrupted him (That's gonna be a recurring theme on this episode, way too many people in one segment) before she got cut off by Mick Foley who got cut off by Kevin Owens. Long story short, this 30 minute promo was to announce the steel cage main event between KO and Reigns. Not much to talk about here, just honestly one of many cringe-worthy, pointless segments on this show.
Rating: 2/5 

As if one boring promo wasn't enough, Rusev does the usual "I'm a heel, let's moan and complain about grievances" concept we get in this company before Mick Foley announces that Rusev vs Seth Rollins is next.

The match itself was not bad at all, albeit, if there was no commentary, I would've enjoyed it... Anyhow, the two had a great match with one another here, highly competitive, but the spot that definitely left its mark on me was the leap of faith from the announce table off the stage by Rollins. For the most part, enjoyable. I wish I had more to say about it but it seems like they were fighting for no reason.
Rating: 3.5/5 

We cut to the backstage area for you guessed it, another pointless segment. There might've been some thought put into it given the "tension" between Charlotte and Dana Brooke, but honestly I don't even understand the objective of that. Usually the ignorant protege/frustrated mentor is an entertaining dynamic, but just like with Maria and Allie last week on TNA Impact, this was just God-Awful. I hope they cut this angle off soon.
Rating: 1.5/5 

After a much forgettable conversation between Chris Jericho and Kevin Owens, we get a match between Braun Strowman and Sin Cara. It was per usual with Strowman, absolute domination and no reprieve for his opponent. I enjoy the squash matches, takes me back to old 90s WWF Superstars. I seriously hope he gets bigger confrontations and an an actual feud soon, because that's gonna be an interesting test for this young behemoth of a man. Plus, his theme song is hilarious!
Rating: 3/5 

At this point, I don't know whether or not I'm watching RAW, or playing Smackdown: Shut Your Mouth for the PS2, because there is an over-abundance of small conversations that repeat themselves and segments that are lackluster. Case and point, the unneeded banter between Sasha Banks and Bayley. However, we get an enjoyable tag match out of it between Sasha, Bayley and the dysfunctional, horrible heels known as Charlotte and Dana Brooke. Charlotte wins because why not have the most idiotic heel in history win a match, just why not? Other than that, nothing too amazing, just pretty good.
Rating: 3/5 

Once we are through with Stephanie trying to sound less stupid and endorsing Kevin Owens although we all know she doesn't know jack about wrestling, we transition to a much more interesting jobber matches than the Strowman match, as Bo Dallas (who seems to be portraying a depressed character) faced a local competitor named Gary Graham. Aggression was very present in this match, and was the only non-frustrating thing about this entire show. With that said, I'm glad he's given more of a push now.
Rating: 3/5 

Finally, for the first time tonight, no backstage segments after commercial break, just getting into the next match, as Sheamus faces Cesaro in another match of this Best of Seven Series. I feel like I'm not the only one completely hating on the idea, as it takes me back to the amazing Best of Seven Series Booker T and Chris Benoit had back in the day on Nitro. However, I sadly know others do not feel the same, so a lot of people are gonna call for this to end sooner rather than later. Regardless. great match, and I won't bash this idea as long as Cesaro goes over at the end of this all, because he needs it for the love of God.
Rating: 3.5/5 

I legitimately thought it was impossible to have a good segment on this show, until the List of Jericho gave me a glimmer of hope. Sadly, not even that can be done right by this ignorant promotion, as it turned into a massive cluster of tag teams fighting while Jericho exclaims his "Stupid Idiot" catchphrase as if his life depended on it. I know it seems I'm too negative on this episode, but seriously, Vince should wake up and realize that his programming is declining in ratings because of idiocy like this every week. TNA is already dead, we don't need WWE to dig their own grave.
Rating: 2.5/5

The eight man tag between the heels and faces that followed was surprisingly decent. All eight of them worked very well and the faces won, applying any final build-up for Clash Of The Champions that they can. Everybody got their spots in, the heels had their momentary heat, overall a major success if you look at it in those terms.
Rating: 3/5 

It seems like we've waited forever, and we finally have it, the Cruiserweight Division! I am a bit frustrated at WWE re-writing history yet again and Mick stumbling on his words, but those were minute nitpicks as this was the best part of the show by far. The match between Brian Kendrick, Gran Metalik, Rich Swann and Cedric Alexander was one to remember, as the new generation of wrestling fans had their first taste of the Cruiserweights, and the older fans had a flashback to the Monday Night Wars and the 2002-2004 era of SmackDown with this great match. Honestly, I hope WWE doesn't mess this up like they mess everything up, but if they do,at least we have this contest to grasp on to.
Rating; 4.5/5 

You know what, I'm gonna make this short and sweet, the main event was hot garbage. The match could've been better given how good these two are in the ring, but these two far from connected last night. Depressingly enough, this crowd was dead to add insult to injury, and the commentary was dreadful as per usual. Maybe if the champion won for a change it would've been better, but the aging imbecile known as Vince McMahon just has to appeal to the muscle-bound troglodytes that infest this company with their stupid mannerisms and inability to connect to an audience.
Rating: 1.5/5 

Overall Show rating: 3/5 

Better show than usual, but still destructively terrible and outright horrible. Again, not much to attest to or speak about, I just seriously hate this company. Anyway, this is Cameron Mcdonley signing off and goodbye everybody!

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