Saturday, September 17, 2016

ICW Fight Club Review: Episode #001

It's me, it's me, it's Cameron Mcdonley! Welcome back to another review,this time for the inaugural episode of a show that is filled with 40 minutes of crude humor, immoderate language and violence that would make everyone at the Parents Television Council slam their heads into a wall! That's right, we're taking a look at ICW Fight Club! So sit back, relax, and strap in your seat restraints for what should be a wild ride!

Heavy metal music blares into your living rooms as the show begins with an intro fit for a company named Insane Championship Wrestling! Billy Kirkwood introduces the audience at home to the show while the crowd screams multiple inane profanities! God, I love this promotion!

Our first match of the night is a continuation of the most personal feud in ICW history, as former best friends Stevie Boy and BT Gunn go face to face once again. This time, these two don't hold anything back, as every strike, hold, move and chairshot was done with unbelievable malice. It seriously had to be the longest 15 minutes of their lives! Sheer ruthlessness was shown by both men, but none more than by Stevie Boy as he lodged his former mentor's neck in a chair, stomped on it and did a sadistic variation of a con-chair-to, leaving him absolutely incapacitated. As if it wasn't personal enough, this rivalry has escalated to the point of no return!
Rating: 4.5/5 

Time was not wasted for a commercial break, as Red Lightning and the ICW Heavyweight Champion Wolfgang make their entrances to the ring. Mark Dallas interrupts his business associate and asks for somebody from the back to accept Wolfgang's open challenge. Out of all people to make the challenge, the concussed DCT begs to face the champion, although he is not medically cleared. Both principal owners of the company rejected his request, but he would have none of it, as he forced the hand of both to make the match by blindsiding Wolfgang. That was the only time he would get offense on the "Big Bad Wolf" however. It was 25 minutes of destruction with the challenger being fed to a carnivore. Shot after shot was focused on the head, and it wasn't before long until the referee stopped the match, declaring Wolfgang as the remorseless winner. Red Lightning and his mercenary walk through the curtain almost amused at DCT barely having the wherewithal to stand. It seems clear that this new era has changed the life of Mark Dallas for the worse, as he now has a liability on his hands.
Rating: 4/5 

It was definitely a great hour of wrestling television, and I hope this show will not be short-lived, as I want to see more of this phenomenal promotion. Great wrestling, entertaining storylines and excessive profanity seems to be the perfect fit for this show.

Full Show Rating: 4/5 

I have to reluctantly state that this effectively concludes the review. I am Cameron Mcdonley, and I will see you tomorrow afternoon for a review of ICW Fight Club #002. So long everybody!!

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