Sunday, October 23, 2016

Impact Wrestling Review: (10/20/16)

Salutations my readers, welcome back to the Party of Rest Holds! I am Cameron Mcdonley, the BROKEN Review Guy, and your Hero of Locals ready to bring you a review that once again emanates from the Impact Zone in strikingly beautiful Orlando, Florida! There is a lot to discuss with this episode of Impact, and trust me when I say this, it's gonna be one thrilling ride! Let's cut to the chase and get started on this fine Sunday morning!

Our entertaining two hours of Impact begins with Cody Rhodes in the ring, cutting an emotional promo about when he decided to be a wrestler, how his father told him to only go into the profession if you're the best and to be the best, you have to be World Heavyweight Champion. Eddie Edwards interrupted this passionate moment with one of his own, saying that even though he respects Cody, he will lose their match tonight because beating Cody proves that he is the best. Bobby Lashley made an exception to that, cutting off these two with a statement saying that whoever wins tonight is keeping it warm for him, and that whoever wins will get hurt. Usually I'd hate that they've been opening up the last three Impact episodes with a promo segment, but this one was the best of the three, with promos that had conviction behind them and the segment in general felt like legitimate emotion radiating off of these wrestlers. Enjoyable to say the least.
Rating: 3/5 

The match that kicked us off tonight on Impact was surprisingly one that the live crowd has been wanting to see for months on end, as "The Destroyer" Bobby Lashley squared off against Moose in what was a very physical and incredible match to watch. These two men definitely brought the best out of each other tonight, as these two had no problems just having a little more malice in their moves and a lot more athleticism mixed in with their exceptional realism and selling in that ring. Although I had a bit of an issue with Moose no-selling a vicious snap suplex in the beginning of the contest, throughout were moments I enjoyed, such as Moose hitting a senton to the outside, sending Lashley into a chair that broke upon the impact of his body, no pun intended. Both men kicked out of their own finishes, and each other's finishing maneuvers in this contest as well as each other's signature moves until Bobby Lashley went to the top rope and leaped off, catching his opposition with a spear for the pinfall victory. Mostly an exciting contest with a fun ending. Not much else to say.
Rating: 4/5 

We cut to the back where The Tribunal was cutting a promo when suddenly, the feed phased out and left us staring at these three men in masks sending us a message from whatever room they are at using CCTV footage. These men in masks obviously have a very dark plan, but what it is, is certainly unknown because these presumable humans speak very cryptically about the future of Impact Wrestling and their intentions. Incredibly intriguing, I hope this leads to something out of the ordinary in every positive way. This has the potential to be a very interesting angle, whether that be for good or bad reasons.
Rating: 3/5 

Ladies and Gentlemen, we are live from whatever studio in Orlando for the hottest talk show in wrestling today, the Fact Of Life! Starring one of the most ridiculous characters in TNA history, Eli Drake!
Yes my readers, we are treated to another Fact Of Life segment, with his guest this week being none other than Aron Rex! Although the banter back and forth at times was very funny and comical, the piped in studio sounds were a bit on the irritating side after a while, which is my only complaint about this segment. EC3 entered the fray and attempted several times to goad Eli Drake into pressing the dummy button, until he finally caved in, causing a huge brawl on set as Ethan Carter took down security and punched Rex in the face to get to his enemy. Jessie Godderz attacked Rex from behind, causing this once comedic segment to become a haven for bedlam and violence between four men that have no love lost for one another. A very fun segment, albeit very much an annoyance at the start.
Rating: 3.5/5 

In our next contest was a TNA Tag Team Championship match, as the Broken Hardy's were pit against the men who attacked them last week, The Tribunal in what seemed like a very trying title defense. Baron Dax and Bastille Baraka were almost successful in gaining their first titles in TNA, but as usual, Broken Matt and the nefarious Brother Nero used their BROKEN Brilliance and their premonitions to defeat their opponents, allowing the champions to be the tag champs for another week. After the match, the feed cut off and the lights went out in the arena. When they came back on, the aforementioned three men in masks appeared and brutally assaulted the Tribunal, leaving destruction in their wake as they gave the Hardy's and Reby a deathly stare.
Rating: 3.5/5 

As per usual, when Maria Kanellis and her idiotic clique of imbeciles & retards make their ways to the 6-Sided ring, the show goes from enjoyable to a chore to watch real quick, as the 5 minutes or so that they're on screen feel like an eternity. It was the usual "I hate my assistant, let's humiliate this dumb human live on TV" shtick we get from these three hooligans every single week. Maybe there's a point that I'm not getting like I don't know, DRAWING SYMPATHY TO THE BABYFACE!
However, at this point you can't even make me feel bad for Allie, because she's such an incessant child that you even want to see her get pummeled. When you make the audience even hate the face in this situation, that's when you should really take a step back and most likely scrap this whole storyline before it hurts all of their characters' developments. Really, I want them all written off my television at this point, get them all off I beg of you TNA.
Rating: 1.5/5 

Following this segment was one that was equally as hideous (in a good way), this time with DJ Z cutting a usual face promo until Rockstar Spud came in with a mic and berated himself, DJ Z and the entire crowd. Talk about a miserable human being, this guy might be the most bitter man in this company next to Billy Corgan at the moment. Unlike the contrary from most fans, I enjoy when Rockstar Spud is on screen because he's what a heel should be. His character is a man with no redeemable qualities that you would pay to see get at least a receipt for his deplorable and bitter ways. While Maria has "get off my television" heat, Spud has the kind of heat that makes me want to see him get savagely beaten, and that my friends is the heat you want to attract in this business.
Rating: 3/5 

After an eventful Impact episode that has not felt like it's been two hours (more like one), we have reached our main event of the show. Cody Rhodes is the challenger, opposing the TNA Champion Eddie Edwards on the other side of the ring for this one of a kind contest. Even though Lashley vs Moose at the start of the show was exciting to watch, this one was certainly match of the night, as their styles meshed almost perfectly. There were many high spots, as well as holds that were exchanged between the two. Honestly a perfect blend of spots in the match if you ask me, because every move was sold exceptionally well, with no immediate relief after a high-octane shot which is not what you want in a match like this. Two athletes of their esteemed caliber should be able to put on a phenomenal performance, and they did just that. Neither man was able to finish the other off decisively however, as Edwards retained his tile by obtaining a pinfall victory with a school-boy   roll-up.
Immediately after the match, Maria Kanellis *sighs* ambushes Brandi Rhodes from behind while Cody is alone in the ring. It's one thing if The Miracle is feuding with Cody, but is Maria is feuding with Brandi, God help us all. That's all I have to say.
Rating: 4.42/5

Full Show Rating: 4/5
Honestly I have no further comments about this week's show other than the fact that this show for the most part did not drag, and was left thoroughly entertained with a few exceptions. Really nothing else to say.
Well, that concludes things for this review, I'm the "Local Hero" Cameron Mcdonley signing off. Goodbye everybody and I hope you all had a fantastic weekend!

Saturday, October 22, 2016

Ring Of Honor Wrestling-Episode #265 (Review)

ROH! ROH! ROH! Hello readers, I am the Local Hero himself, the man forever known as The Review Guy, Cameron Mcdonley with another review. As you can infer, this is another review of one of the most consistent, enjoyable, and all around the best pure wrestling show on this planet, Ring Of Honor! Following two specials emanating from MCU Park, we are now in the midst of the fallout from what is considered by many as PPV of the year for ROH, All-Star Extravaganza! Without any further interruptions, let's head to the Lakeland Civic Center for this week's hour of amazing wrestling action!
The show opens with an unmistakable entrance by one of the most notorious wrestling factions to come around in years, the Bullet Club. Led by the Ring Of Honor World Champion, Adam Cole, they made quite the presence at the PPV a month ago, with Kyle O' Reilly being taken out by Adam Page, the champion himself besting Michael Elgin in a solid encounter and the Young Bucks regaining the ROH World Tag Team Championships once again in the most brutal Ladder War in company history. Imaginably, they narrowed all of those impressive feats in one promo that was no doubt a trademark of this stable. They bragged and they basked in their glory while arrogantly displaying their overconfidence. A very good heel promo by the Bullet Club to start off the broadcast.
Rating: 3/5

The match that opened this hour was far from your average contest, as it was an uncontrollable brawl between Shane Taylor, Keith Lee, and War Machine, who have shown a lot of hatred towards one another in recent weeks. All of that was display in a fight that was a war between these two teams, no pun intended. No headlocks or moves here, just a lot of leniency by the official as there were punches thrown, chairs wielded and many other happenings that in any other profession would immediately be classified as disorderly conduct and possible assault. After all the blood that was shed in this match and all the malice that was behind each shot and throw, War Machine obtained the victory but it was far from over, as Shane Taylor attacked Ray Rowe from behind alongside his partner Keith Lee, who had no problem doing the same to Hanson. This rivalry is far, far from over, regardless of the thoughts that some ROH fans have about this feud.
Rating: 3.5/5

The 6-Man Tag Team Tournament continues in our next match, as one of the most entertaining stables in wrestling by my estimation, The Cabinet oppose Jason Kincaid, Leon St. Giovanni and Shaheem Ali in a match that was not the best match I've seen from any of these 6 men, but it was still enjoyable, as Caprice Coleman bumped like a madman because that's his usual routine, Kenny King showed off his uncanny ability to be athletic and quick as a fox in that ring, Kincaid impressed me once again with his agility and Rhett Titus was just being, well Rhett Titus. I couldn't tell you the exact time that the match lasted, but it lasted a decent amount of time with the right people going over, which was The Cabinet. Fun match!
Rating: 3/5 

Our main event of the evening was an exciting one, at least for me, as Jay Lethal was up against one of the most underrated wrestlers in ROH, Silas Young. This one had the potential to be so much more than it was, with Lethal being a exceptional competitor and Silas having all the tools to be ROH World Champion, but with all the combustible elements such as Adam Cole being on commentary until he interfered, Kyle O' Reilly attacking Cole and the Bullet Club causing the match to be a no-contest, it fell flat after 15 minutes of very solid in-ring action. Although the no-contest allowed for an exciting ending to television this week with all of the men involved brawling over the championship and Silas Young standing tall at the end with the title in his grasp for the moment, what could've been a phenomenal match was cut short. That's all I have to complain about however, still highly enjoyable!
Rating: 3.5/5

Full Show Rating: 3.5/5 
Although I gave this episode a lower rating this week, I still enjoyed it and to be honest, it was still the best show I've seen this week next to the latest episode of Lucha Underground. That's all I have to say, it was fun to watch.

Well, that's it for this review. I will see you all next week with more reviews! Goodbye Everybody!

Friday, October 21, 2016

Lucha Underground: Payback Time (Review: 10/19/16)

Ladies and Gentlemen, sound the mariachi band, cue the commentators and let anarchy ring throughout the temple! Yes my readers, welcome to another Lucha Underground Review! I am the "Local Hero" Cameron Mcdonley, alongside my trusty keyboard to give you the best review of the chaotic ride that is Lucha Underground. With that said, let's cut the talking, because there's a lot of action we have to experience during this fine hour.

The show opens with Prince Puma preparing for his war with Mil Muertes later on in the show when Vampiro appears, once again offering his managerial services to the face of The Temple. Puma clearly rejected that offer, stating that he'd rather die by Mil's hands than to live by his. Vampiro makes his prediction known to him that he thinks Prince Puma will make "The Man Of 1,000 Deaths" die by his hands. This was a segment I found highly intriguing, because I can visualize how this angle will take shape, with the twisted human being who once set Sting on fire managing a man that is usually a very prideful individual. It'd be like James Mitchell going to WWE and managing a heel John Cena, but not quite. Anyway, the vignette left me very interested, and I'd like to see where this leads to.
Rating: 3/5

Our opening match is once again another product of Dario's Dial of Doom, as Killshot was selected by the hand of the wheel to try his hand at ripping the Lucha Underground title from the cannibalistic monster's grasp. He ultimately did not obtain the victory, as Matanza Cueto defeated his newest challenger in a 20 minute display of physicality, notably from Killshot himself, as he displayed a really solid level of intensity and passion we don't usually see from him. Matanza was not slacking in the aggression department either, as he hit a sickening uppercut to the side of his opposition's head in the midway point of this match. Great match.
Rating: 3.5/5

After a solid and noteworthy title match, an unidentified man with dog-tags similar to the former soldier walked very eerily to the ring. Killshot noticed who he was and embraced him, but was only met with an inverted axe kick and a spinning brainbuster from his once brother-in-arms. Although we do not know his name, it was very clear who he was, because he whispered "You left me for dead" as he dropped his dog-tags on the chest of Killshot. I hope we can get some information on his character name and a further look into his backstory, because this whole ordeal seems extremely intense right off the bat.
Rating: 3.5/5 

Preceding another vague "They'll Be Here Soon" promo, the Trios Champions (Aerostar, Fenix and Drago) entered the ring for what seemed to be another Trios contest when the owner of this esteemed establishment, Dario Cueto himself, shook up the course a bit by offering another flavor, a triple threat match between the champions! It wasn't just for the sick enjoyment of Dario however, as a number twenty spot in the Aztec Warfare match on November 9th was on the line! We were definitely treated to a masterpiece here, as all three of these high-caliber luchadors fought through blood, sweat and possible brain damage for a late entry into a battle royal where the Lucha Underground Championship was up for grabs. There was an excessive amount of high-flying maneuvers from Fenix, but that does not change the overall feeling of the match, as the crowd was hot for all of it and Drago had a decisive victory with a destroyer DDT that looked like he shattered Aerostar's neck. When wrestlers can make it look like they're killing each other, you know they've put on a contest that is one to remember.
Rating: 4/5 

From there, we cut to a brief backstage segment between Cobra Moon and Drago. Moon was almost ordering Drago to win the championship at Aztec Warfare 3 for their tribe. Drago angrily notified her that he left her tribe dozens of years ago before screaming into the sky in frustration. It may have been short, but it was still enjoyable, as it was used to further what seems to be a new storyline for both Cobra Moon and Drago. I hope they do something worthwhile with this, but then again, they don't need me wishing or hoping because I can almost guarantee you that this will be at least fun to watch over the next few weeks or even more if they take it that far.
Rating: 3/5 

Dario Cueto is doing absolutely nothing in his office when a desperate and frustrated Johnny Mundo storms into his office with a bargain for a Gift Of The Gods championship match with Sexy Star next week. Mundo briefly mentions what happened at the end of episode 1 in 2014 when Dario offered him the highest payout in the show's history before handing him the briefcase in desperation to get at least one singles championship in Lucha Underground. Mr. Cueto accepts the money and signs the match, making it set in stone for next week's show.
Rating: 3.5/5

The time has come, the clock has struck noon and the two baddest gunslingers are going at it in the temple! It is Prince Puma going to war once more with his arch-nemesis Mil Muertes in a clash that will eclipse any level of intensity that these two had in any of their past encounters! A war it most certainly was, as this time there was no hesitation, no methodical movement as these two bitter enemies didn't think twice about attempting to eviscerate the other throughout the entire match. Every single move from these two gladiators was done with conviction. Although neither man were killed off in this match, it seems like Muertes has met his match, as Puma pinned him cleanly in the ring for one of the most shocking outcomes in the show's short, but illustrious history.
Rating: 4.5/5 

This brilliant episode ends with a final segment, cutting to Rey Mysterio's training grounds, where he was seen conversing with Chavo Guerrero Sr, otherwise known as Chavo Classic to nostalgic fans who watched WWE in the Ruthless Aggression Era. The former NWA and AWA breakout star, the man who innovated the moonsault was presented with a ultimatum from the King Of Lucha Libre that no parent should be forced to partake in. He either blackballs his own son from the Guerrero family, or Rey himself is leaving that family altogether. This rivalry has surely become incredibly personal, as a legendary family is now caught in the crossfire of what has been a dangerous rivalry so far.
Rating: 4.5/5 

Full Show Rating: 4.85/5

This show was in my opinion, the best episode of this new season, as we were treated to three entertaining matches, segments that were undoubtedly intense, and storylines for the near future were given the seeds to be planted and turned into something worthwhile. Not much else to say, I enjoyed myself watching this, and I hope everybody reading this did as well.

That statement concludes this review, I am the "Review Guy" Cameron Mcdonley signing off, hopefully I will see you all soon. Goodnight everybody!

Sunday, October 16, 2016

Impact Wrestling Review: (10/13/16)

Salutations my broken brethren, I am your Local Hero, your Review Guy Cameron Mcdonley and I have the most beautiful premonition.... A IMPACT WRESTLING REVIEW!!! With that said, the time for conversation is OVAH, as we head to the Zone of Impact on this fine Sunday morning!

The show opens with Eddie Edwards in the ring, cutting a promo that is reminiscent of every single "never say die" babyface that has ever been in this sport, when Bobby Lashley comes out and viciously assaults the new champion until EC3 and Moose came to Edwards' aide. Knowing how Lashley lost his title last week, you had to figure he'd react like this, as generic as this segment was. The opening segment was not the best part of the show once again, but just like last week, it planted seeds for future angles, so I'm not disappointed at all.
Rating: 3/5 

Our opening match of the night is contested for the Impact Grand Championship, as Aron Rex defends his coveted championship against Jesse Godderz, In my opinion, it was the weakest match that this division has had since the tournament took place a month ago. Most of the contest was holds and tie-ups, which is not necessarily a bad thing, but that was obviously not what the crowd had in mind, as they were completely dead. A crowd really affects how the home audience enjoys a match, and this match was definite proof, as I cut myself off from it in the 2nd round to listen to music. Thankfully there was one highlight I took out of it, which was a devastating discus elbow from Rex to end the battle late in the 3rd round. Other than that, not much positive to say about this match.
Rating: 2.5/5 

Following this segment was one of very unusual flavor, as the Broken Hardy's made their much welcomed appearances to the Impact Zone for their usual promos of just absolute insanity. Brother Nero had an impromptu concert of his theme song "Obsolete" in front of the crowd, which was surprisingly painless as well. Long story short, it was all fun and games until the Tribunal jumped the guardrail and attacked the Tag Team Champions during their marvelous celebration. I guess having their stones cracked by the boss Billy Corgan earlier was the shot in the arm these guys needed, because they refused to let up until they wiped them out. I always thought this team was great in NXT, and I'm glad they're finally reaching that potential.
Rating: 3/5 

Cody Rhodes finally makes his in-ring debut this week, opposing Mike Bennett on the other side of this six-sided combat surface in what was most likely the best match this week. It was much like what you'd expect between two wrestlers who have the abilities that they undoubtedly possess, as both men took hellacious bumps throughout this 20 minute affair for the sake of getting one step closer to reaching the top of the mountain. If I could pinpoint my favorite points of this match, which is a difficulty on its own, I'd say the Hangman's DDT on the outside by "The Miracle" Mike Bennett, and the superplex inside the ring by Cody. Phenomenal effort by these two combatants, I hope they share a ring again, preferably soon.
Rating: 3.5/5 

The X-Division title was on the line in this next contest, as newcomer Marshe Rockett challenged DJ Z for his title. This match was another solid outing from two fine competitors in their own right, as Marshe impressively displayed his power and aggression with every move he did, including a vertical suplex that looked nasty, especially how sickening it truly looked when DJ Z landed on the ring apron, That Axe Kick is also something special, as Rockett's size allows him to use that move in a way where it looks like he is legitimately killing his opponent. DJ Z was also great here, as he showed off his normal spots to perfection, especially his aerial maneuvers. Hopefully Marshe Rockett gets a title reign soon, because this division needs another monster just like Samoa Joe was.
Rating: 3.5/5 

Impact this week seems to be very wrestling oriented, as there were barely any backstage segments before we had our Knockouts Title match between Gail Kim and *sighs* Maria Kanellis.. This part of the show was shockingly not the worst part of the show at all, as Maria finally got her comeuppance in this angle and had the daylights beaten out of her by Gail throughout this No Disqualification match. Thank God Kim won, because I'm not sitting through another segment between these two. I'm tired of this angle and I'm tired of Maria, case closed. Overall, an okay match.
Rating: 3/5 

Preceding this match, there seems to be a normal conversation between the commentators at ringside going on when the screen goes static, a clock appears on the screen until the feed cuts to three men in masks sitting at a table with 9 or 10 other masks on it. They speak very vaguely, talking almost poetically until the screen goes static again when they show a quote from Martin Luther King Jr. I have a lot of faith that this will be at least a watchable angle, as I am almost sure this won't be like every other stable TNA has done. Then again, I shouldn't hold my breath. Otherwise a very intriguing vignette.
Rating: 4/5 

Our main event of the evening was a match between EC3 and Moose to determine who will go one-on-one against Bobby Lashley next week. The match was decent at best, as it could've been better, but it was still highly enjoyable, so I can't complain too much. Moose obtained the victory at the end of it, making the dream match between Lashley and Moose a reality next week. That match will be one that is must-see, as these two powerful wrestlers will finally collide in an official sanctioned contest. I doubt it'll be better than Cody Rhodes vs Eddie Edwards for the TNA World Heavyweight Championship, but surely it'll be up there right?
Rating: 3/5

Full Show Rating: 3.5/5 

Not much else to say about this episode of Impact, other than the fact that although it might be the weakest episode since they transitioned to POP TV, it was still somewhat enjoyable, and a lot more watchable than a RAW on Monday night. That might change in these next coming weeks with Goldberg showing up in the WWE, but as of right now, the fact still remains that even a poor Impact is better than a deplorable RAW every week.

Anyway, this is the Review Guy himself, Cameron Mcdonley signing off. Goodnight everybody!

Friday, October 14, 2016

Lucha Underground: The Open Road To Revenge (Review: 10/12/16)

Welcome back readers. this is your Local Hero, your Review Guy, Cameron Mcdonley. When you read that sentence, you know for a fact I'm reviewing a show or PPV. This time, we take our regular trip to the Temple, where intensity, drama, violence and especially high-quality professional wrestling take place all in the span of an hour. This is Lucha Underground!!!
This episode begins with a cut to the backstage area where El Dragon Azteca Jr. is preparing for his main event against Pentagon Dark tonight when Chavo Guerrero ambushes him from behind, repeatedly blasting him with chairshots to the head countless times until he was left slumped on the ground for Rey Mysterio to find. This was a good segment, as it planted a seed for further angles later on and in the immediate future. Chavo is rapidly becoming one of, if not the best heel on this show and I tell you this much, we'll see many reasons to believe that throughout this very eventful edition of Lucha Underground.
Rating: 3/5 

Opening the in-ring portion of this broadcast was a tag team match between the team of "Son Of Havoc" Matt Cross and Mascarita Sagrada, and their bitter enemies Famous B & Dr Wagner Jr. This match was not the best match of the night for sure, but the action was very exceptional and the contest served it's purpose as Famous B and Dr Wagner were solidified even further as heels. A very noteworthy moment in this match was when Sagrada was capable of lifting Famous B, regardless of his size deficit. Whether both wrestlers made an effort to make this spot work or if that was just how strong this man is, it was still an incredibly impressive feat. Overall a strong opener and a very entertaining feud so far.
Rating: 3/5 

There was another vague promo that is likely hyping up someone's return or debut on the show, citing once again that "They'll be here soon". I still have no clues as to who "They" are, but I hope this leads to something very worthwhile. I can't rate the segment this week because it was much shorter, plus it was dark and mysterious to the point that it added to the vagueness of it all. I will just wait this out and not rate these vignettes until the person or people in question make their presence felt in the esteemed Temple.
Rating: TBD 

Sexy Star defends her Gift Of The Gods title against Jack Evans in our co-main event of the evening, and trust me when I say this, this match could've easily been the main attraction had there not been at least one or more top draws in Lucha Underground sharing the ring in that time slot. It was a really good match, as Star was not afraid to take some devastating bumps throughout the whole affair. Evans wasn't totally out of the woods either, as his female adversary tore him apart in the first 10 minutes and would've likely continued to do so had he not given her a vicious side kick in the corner, which changed the tone and complexion of this war for the better or worse, depending on how you view the finish. The champion may have kept her title, but with the Worldwide Underground attempting to cost her the gold around her waist, one can wonder when her days will truly be numbered.
Rating: 4/5 

Before we get to our last commercial breaks, we cut to a phone call being made from Dario Cueto's office which gave him the unfortunate information that El Dragon Azteca Jr. can not make it to the main event tonight. Chavo Guerrero walked into his office and notified him that he has his hands figuratively tied and that he has no choice but to insert him in the main event. Rey Mysterio walks into his office however, and anarchy breaks loose completely. Rey and Chavo brawled with each other with malice until Dario came up with a brilliant stroke of absolute genius, majorly affecting the main event as he made it a Triple Threat Match between Rey, Chavo and Pentagon Dark! I am even more excited for the main event now! This should definitely be one to watch.
Rating: 3.5/5

As for the main event, it was exactly what you'd expect from three athletes of this caliber, as they put on a match that was undoubtedly the best match since the season started. It was the usual fast action, the high-impact spots and flying maneuvers, but with detrimental storytelling added to the explosive combination of the simulated combat in the ring. When you have all of those elements in a match like this, it is bound to be thrilling, no chance of it not living up to expectations. Pentagon also obtained the pinfall victory in this incredible battle, which is a tremendous upside.
Rating: 4.5/5

The action was far from over however, as Pentagon Dark tried his hand at breaking Rey Mysterio's arm to no avail. Chavo Guerrero ambushes Rey with a spear and a few well-timed shots to the abdominal vicinity, rendering his opposition defenseless to sickening chairshots attacking the leg. Guerrero ties him to the tree of woe, allowing Mysterio to be helpless even further. There were continued shots to the leg and the ACL from Mysterio's disturbed adversary until the show went off the air.
Rating: 4/5 

Full Show Rating: 4.5/5 
This was certainly another strong show, as it was fun and satisfying to watch. Next week will feature a main event between Prince Puma and Mil Muertes, and I can guarantee you now, it won't be a walk in the park for either men and it will be more than simply exciting for the Believers.  With this being as exceptional and amazing as it was, it will be very difficult to top this episode overall, but knowing this show, that will be a very easy task for Robert Rodriguez and the other writers of this program.

That was it for this review, I am the Review Guy Cameron Mcdonley. Goodnight everybody!!

Sunday, October 9, 2016

ROH Episode #263 (Review)

Welcome back ladies and gents, I am the Local Hero, the Review Guy Cameron Mcdonley, and this time, I have the esteemed privilege of taking you all out to a ball game! That's right, this edition of Ring Of Honor Wrestling is broadcasted from MCU Park, as it is a special known as Field Of Honor!!! So without further ado, let's hit the ring for more exciting ROH action!

Our opening contest of the night is a Ring Of Honor World Television Championship match between Bobby Fish and EVIL. This match was an enjoyable one, as EVIL continued his wicked ways and disrespected the Code Of Honor and the rules every time opportunity knocked on his door. However, it was far from enough for the Los Ingobernables member to wrest the title from his opposition, as "The Infamous" Bobby Fish locked in a rear naked choke and obtained another outstanding submission victory! Not to mention, there was no shortage of the usual martial arts maneuvers displayed by the champion, as he applied the pressure on every hold, strike and counterattack he did until the match commenced with his competitive adversary tapping on the mat.
Rating: 3.5/5

The following match that was to succeed a solid Television Title match was one with a historic footnote attached to it, as the IWGP Intercontinental Championship is defended for the first time ever in the United States, as the champion (at that time) "Unbreakable" Michael Elgin put his title on the line against one of the most impressive upstart athletes in Ring Of Honor history, Donovan Dijak. This competition was one that had a completely different tone from the rest, as these two did not pull any punches and gave each other everything they had in what was sure to go down as a historic match in history, no matter how large or minute that footnote will be. Dijak may have had a highly physical match with Bobby Fish at All-Star Extravaganza just recently, but this contest showed that he can match power with the best of them, and impressively enough, that includes a machine like Elgin, who has had a stellar year in multiple promotions. The championship was successfully defended indeed, but one can truly ponder how far the challenger Dijak will go in his career, as he is still fairly young.
Rating: 4/5

After two exceptional one-on-one encounters, we shift gears to what should, and will be a frantic 8-Man Tag Team main event. The Motor City Machine Guns, ACH and Lio Rush formed together to combat the Bullet Club, which consisted of the Young Bucks, Hangman Page and Yujiro Takahashi on this particular occasion. As I rightfully predicted, this match was sheer chaos, just complete utter mayhem in the best way, as all 8 men were on top of their game in this insane contest. When you have the caliber of athletes that these wrestlers were in the ring, and when you know all of these competitors have a high-flying background, you just had to know that this was gonna be the conclusion of such combustible elements. High spots everywhere, superkicks were ever present and high-impact moves were fired off one after the other in what was a pure blast to watch, and I guarantee you, the fans there had to feel the same way. Although it wasn't the better wrestling match of the night, it was surely satisfying seeing a fast-paced battle.
Rating: 3.85/5 

Full Show Rating: 4/5 

This was most certainly a highly enjoyable show, as there wasn't any angles in the show, just very fun, exciting and intriguing matches. I have no negatives about this show as always, but this edition of their television definitely had a different flavor to it, and I turned off my computer as a satisfied wrestling fan. That's all that really matters is that at the end of the day, people enjoy it.

That was it for this review, I hope you have enjoyed coming along for this wild ride as much as I did scribing it to you all. I am the Local Hero, the Review Guy Cameron Mcdonley, and I am afraid it is my time to sign off. Goodbye everybody!

Saturday, October 8, 2016

Booking NXT! #2

So, we start off this episode of NXT with Samoa Joe coming out and threatening William Regal. He talks about what will happen if a match doesn't come his way. The screen then cuts to Regal in a hospital bed. He says to Joe that of he is able to beat a mystery opponent in a match he will get that opportunity. And that match will be right now. Dan Matha comes out and looks like he's ready for the fight. Then, The Authors of Pain come out. Matha and Joe have a decent match but Joe takes Matha to the outside and continues the count. Matha reverses one of Joe's moves and crawls into the ring. Matha tries to exit but can't. The ref blocks him. As the ref blocks him Joe gets to his feet but The Authors of Pain beat him down and make sure he gets counted out. Dan Matha wins and Joe is furious.
Next we cut backstage to where Liv Morgan is giving an interview about last week. Out of nowhere Billie Kay and Peyton Royce attack Morgan and Mandy Rose comes to help and rips them off but then she's attacked too and the Kay and Royce are pulled away by security guards. It is then announced they will have a tag team match next week. The winner gets a non title match against Asuka in which if she wins she gets an opportunity at the NXT women's championship. It looks to be an awesome build to what will hopefully be an good match
Next up we have Austin Aries who is going to come out a cut a short promo on all the disadvantages he had in his match against Tye Dillinger last week. He talks about how Bobby Roode was by The Perfect 10's side and Aries was being trash talked and distracted him. Aries decided he is going to announce his partner for the TTC. The arena lights fade to black an appearing on the screen is "STRONG" THE crowd pops massively and is arguably one of the largest pops in NXT history. The crowd chants "Holy Shit!" Aries and Strong make their way to the ring and they cut a promo about why they are going to be winning the TTC and as they make their way to the back the crowd continues chanting in support. Then, as they disappear through the curtain, a graphic appears on screen showing Roderick Strong and Austin Aries vs Bobby Roode and Tye Dillinger next week in the Main Event of NXT. The crowd has another good pop and we cut to advertisement.
When we return we carry on the Tag Team Classic hype as the Bollywood Boys take on the enormous Author's of Pain with the destroyer Dan Matha at ringside. The match is really good stuff and Matha does a few distractions to help the Author's of Pain get the advantage. Until about 3/4 of the way through Samoa Joe emerges through the curtain with security trying to stop him from attacking them but to no avail. Joe has a trash can in his hand and goes to town on both Dan Matha and The Author's of Pain. The Author's of Pain won but at what cost.
Next up we see the debut of Sanity. This team has been hyped up so much and we're finally going to see who is part of it. Eric Young's music hits and the crowd pops. Young is talking in a slow maniacal voice. He then introduces Sawyer Fulton and Alexander Wolfe. Then, he says we need a lady so brings out Ember Moon. They then offer if anybody wants to challenge them. First of all we see Patrick Clark come out. He looks like he's down for a fight and makes his way to the ring. Eric Young looks like his opponent and they have a solid bout that Young wins comfortably. It's a good debut for Sanity. They think it's over but then Asuka comes out to a nice pop. Asuka says that she wants Moon next week and Sanity agrees.
Next we cut back to an interview with Dillinger and they are talking about his chances next week until he's interrupted by Aries. Strong isn't there as a way to build the hype. Aries then attack the Perfect Ten and Roode comes out but Aries delivers a huge chair shot dropping Aries before he's dragged away by security. This gives great momentum for next week. Finally, we have the main event.
In the main event we're going to see the cruiserweights get a spot as we see Cedric Alexander vs Kota Ibushi and these guys put on a spectacle. One of the greatest matches in NXT history. Zayn vs Nakamura type of match minus the hype of Nakamura. It lasts a decent amount of time and Cedric comes out with the win but Cien comes out and annihilates the American. He destroys him and mutilates him. Cedric is stretchered off and Andrade Almas takes a mic. He goes to the top rope and sits on the turnbuckle. He enjoys the hatred he's receiving and he says that at NXT Takeover: Toronto he wants a one on one match with Cedric Alexander. All of a sudden William Regal appears on the tron and makes that match. At Takeover. It'll be Cedric Alexander vs Andrade Almas. Then, NXT ends after an awesome show. We see Roddy Strong, Sanity looks strong, The Women's division is heating up and Samoa Joe continues his reign of destruction as his presence glooms over NXT.

Impact Wrestling Review (10/6/16)

Ladies and Gentlemen, the Local Hero has returned to save the day once again! This time, we take the Review Bus to the Impact Zone in beautiful Orlando, Florida for another episode of Impact Wrestling, just days removed from Bound For Glory. So instead of taking up time with talk, let's make that walk down the road of Broken Brilliance!

Impact opens with Bobby Lashley cutting a promo about Bound For Glory and how he has no challengers that can even come close to ending his dominance. Aron Rex interrupts him, mentioning his game-changing win at the PPV against Eddie Edwards for the Impact Grand Championship. Gail Kim follows suit, talking about how times have changed and it's time for a woman to hold either the Grand Championship or the World Title. Eventually every living, breathing mammal holding a championship in this company was standing in the ring cutting promos on each other until Billy Corgan made two announcements. One being that every title is on the line tonight except for the X-Division Championship because of a new concept in that division, and that Bobby Lashley must either face Eddie Edwards, EC3 or Moose in a title defense on this program. All in all, not the best segment on this edition of Impact, but it set up matches for the rest of the show, so I can't complain too much due to this segment having a clear purpose.
Rating: 3/5 

The opening contest tonight is the beginning of this new X-Division concept, known as X-Gold, where members of this esteemed division will be competing in 6-Man Tag Team Matches. The first round of such groundbreaking events is a match between the team of DJ Z, Braxton Sutter and Mandrews, and their opponents Andrew Everett, Trevor Lee and Marshae Rocket. Fun match, wasn't the best match I've seen all week, but everybody performed exceptionally well in this instance and set the tone for the rest of this tournament, which will be taking place over the next few weeks. As for notable moments, Marshae's kicks were lethal in this match. He displayed a more aggressive style that the X-Division has not seen in a long time, and I sincerely hope TNA does not mess up with this new talent.
Rating: 3/5 

Following this enjoyable match was a highly entertaining return of Eli Drake's talk show, Fact Of Life! His guest this week was EC3, and it didn't disappoint for sure! I just love how he annoys all the wrestlers and pushes his comical "dummy" button while the crowd just eats it out of the palm of his hands, and there was no shortage of that at all. Ethan Carter played to his character perfectly, as he showed another side that we don't usually see from him. That my friends, was a side of pure, unadulterated anger. It got to a point where these two egos were face-to-face, about to come to blows. The segment went from senseless hilarity to visible intensity in only a matter of minutes. I look forward to seeing more between these two great athletes, hopefully a match!
Rating: 4/5 

Sadly, the show goes a little downhill for a short while, as the frustratingly annoying Maria Kanellis and her "assistant" Allie, make another irritating appearance on all of our televisions, before Maria and Laurel Van Ness interfered in Gail Kim's match with Sienna, forcing the referee's hand to call a disqualification. It was the usual disgustingly mediocre heel promo followed by a 3 on 1 assault with Madison Rayne on commentary just talking about it and not helping, although she's a face. Yeah, these Maria segments seem to be the only thing that are a constant annoyance on this show. Thankfully, this angle should end next week in the No DQ match between Maria and Gail Kim for the Knockouts Title. If not, well this part of the show will be the time that I have to nap every week.
Rating: 2/5 

Switching gears from a depressing low of the night to another entertaining portion of bliss from the Broken Hardy's, as they face Decay in a Wolf Creek Cage Match. Chainsaws, Crowbars, Staffs, Razor Wire, and Staple Guns were all at the disposal of these two teams. It is safe to say that this has turned from a wrestling rivalry into a how-to on how to maim your opponent with weapons that should classify this match as attempted murder. Unlike their past encounters, there was no shortage of blood here, as Reby was bleeding, Rosemary was bleeding, Broken Matt and Brother Nero were both busted open and so was Abyss. Crazy Steve was the only one who came out with no blade marks on his forehead. This was definitely the time to put your kids to bed, because the sensitive generation would have nightmares, and the PTC would have something to complain about. Great match.
Rating: 4/5 

Cody Rhodes makes his Impact On Pop debut side by side with his wife Brandi, cutting a promo about his list of potential matches and how Michael Bennett was on that list. "The Miracle" himself made his presence felt, cutting a scathing promo on Cody and his wife, which escalated rather quickly into a fight. I can already sense that these two will have a worthwhile program, no matter how long it lasts. This is absolutely another feud that I cannot wait to see more of and I hope these two have a match fairly soon.
Rating: 3.5/5 

Succeeding this segment was a match for the Impact Grand Championship, as the title holder Aron Rex struggled to retain against Baron Dax, as there was an intensity, a fire in this former NXT Mid-Carder's eyes that no one has really seen from him. This contest was not at all what I expected, but it was still worth viewing,as I personally enjoyed it. I wonder who will challenge Rex next, presumably Drew Galloway when he comes back, but until then, his challengers could be anyone in that locker room, and I am intrigued to see who is next in line.
Rating: 3.5/5 

Ladies and Gents, it's finally main event time! Our TNA World Heavyweight Champion, "The Destroyer" Bobby Lashley has to make a decision. All three challengers cut a promo earlier on in the night, explaining why they should be chosen, so now it's decision time! Instead of choosing Moose or the man he defeated last Sunday (EC3), he instead selects who he feels is his easiest match, and that was Eddie Edwards!

The match itself was a very good one, as it told an engaging story. The dominant champion who is far too overconfident, manipulating the crowd by cutting the unlikely challenger off at every possible avenue while not even going for the cover tells the story of a man who is his own worst enemy. Just when it seemed all hope was gone and this mercenary of a man was gonna mutilate another one of TNA's heroes, the former Ring Of Honor World Champion surprised him with a Boston Knee Party, obtaining the pinfall victory and another amazing accomplishment, that being the TNA World Heavyweight Championship!! This was a great match, and an unforeseen ending if you did not read the spoilers or cut yourself off from Social Media. The new champion rightfully deserved that win, and I hope he has a very good run at the top of the mountain!
Rating: 4/5 

Full Show Rating: 3.5/5

Although I have many grievances with Maria Kanellis & Allie as characters, it was overall an incredibly enjoyable show, with numerous positives that effectively outweighed the negatives in this particular edition of #ImpactOnPop . That's all I have left to say about this show, as it was well worth watching.

This has been another fun review, I hope you all enjoy reading it, as much as I did writing it! I will be back this afternoon for a Ring Of Honor review, Episode 263 so if you're an ROH fan like myself, be on the lookout for that! This is the Local Hero, the Review Guy Cameron Mcdonley, saying Goodbye Everybody!

Thursday, October 6, 2016

Lucha Underground Review! (10/5/16)

Salutations ladies and gentlemen, I am the Local Hero, the Review Guy, Cameron Mcdonley, and here I am with another review! This time around, we take a trip to Boyle Heights, into The Temple for another exciting edition of the hottest wrestling show in recent memory, Lucha Underground! Let's cease the introductions, all discussions come to a grinding halt as we get to another review of this entertaining show!

The first visual we see after the usual intro is the owner of this Temple, Dario Cueto ready as ever to name his brother's next victim with his Dial Of Doom. The wheel spins until it stops on the name of Prince Puma. Cueto then cuts a scathing promo on Puma, mentioning how he was the inaugural champion and that his brother is more dominant than he'll ever be with the gold around his waist. This was a really good way to open the show and it set up a very noteworthy main event for later on in the show.
Rating: 3/5 

The match that is the beginning explosion to wrestling's action movie counterpart is between the fearless Ivelisse and the mentally impaired Mariposa, who herself was accompanied by her less than sane brother, to put it kindly. This was most definitely the match you would expect from these two women, as they showed in this match that the women are very capable of hitting harder than the men. The shots were very stiff, as Ivelisse struck with the hardest kicks I've ever seen. You could see Mariposa buckle every time her opposition inflicted punishment. However, she hit twice as hard when she retaliated, making this a highly even and competitive match. Ivelisse obtained the victory with a beautiful Canadian Destroyer which lead to an immediate pinfall. Marty The Moth ambushed her after the contest, leaving his fallen enemy helpless to an eventual two-on-one assault. An intense affair to kick off the festivities for tonight.
Rating: 3.5/5 

We cut back from break with Dario conducting a phone conversation with somebody unknown when Johnny Mundo opens his office door uninvited, demanding a Lucha Underground title match. Mr. Cueto made it very clear that he will not have any plans to put him in that title picture, which infuriated the "Wednesday Night Delight". He requested a Gift Of The Gods title match in visible desperation, to which he was shot down again, instead met with the announcement that Jack Evans will face the champion Sexy Star next week. Mundo left his office mentioning something about divine intervention before slamming the door behind him.
Rating: 3.5/5 

Before we take a commercial break, there is a very creepy unusual promo with the screen flashing repeatedly, cutting back to a bunny. The segment ended with white words over a black background which read "They'll be here soon". I don't know what to rate this segment, as it was clearly a promo for a debut or return, but I have a hard time guessing who this character could be. It was definitely mysterious and left me guessing, which did its job in that sense, but it was incredibly vague. I'll just wait and see what this turns out to be before I give it too negative of a rating.
Rating: 3/5 

Our co-main event match of the show was match two of this best of five series between Brian Cage and Texano. This was far from a bad match, as these two did everything in their power to put the other away for the three count or a submission, but the eventual winner of this battle was "The Machine" Cage with a devastating sit-out cyclone slam, which by all intents and purposes was a variation of the F-5. A much better match than I thought it would be going in, which is a great sign, because last week I was honestly opposed to this series. If it means we'll be getting three more matches like this count me in! It could end very abruptly if Cage gets a third victory next week, but I don't see that happening, so let's all just sit back and enjoy this very intense and competitive ride, filled with bone-jarring slams and unbelievable feats of athleticism and agility from two large men.
Rating: 4/5 

Ivelisse is in the locker room seemingly collecting herself from that post-match assault when her boyfriend, Sami Callihan makes his appearance in the locker room! The two discuss the match and how Callihan will kill them, when his woman tells him that she can handle herself. God, I love that Sami Freakin' Callihan is on this show! With him and his girl, who is arguably one of the best female wrestlers paired up in storyline side by side, the possibilities are endless, and the sky is the limit as to where this could end up. I'm very stoked to see how this all plays out, hopefully an intergender match between the two? One can only hope...
Rating: 3.5/5 

The wait is finally over, and our much anticipated main event match is finally upon us, as Prince Puma opposes "The Monster" Matanza Cueto on the other side of the ring for what is sure to be a phenomenal Lucha Underground Championship. On all accounts, it was far from phenomenal, it was fantastic! Both wrestlers displayed their strongest maneuvers and assets throughout the match, as this was absolutely as far away from your usual Matanza match as you can get. There was a legitimate fear in the eyes of his brother Dario at ringside numerous times during the contest every time Puma became just a split-second closer to ending their reign of terror once and for all. Towards the end, Matanza was momentarily incapacitated by a detrimental and much needed 630 splash from his adversary when Mil Muertes runs into the ring and spears his bitter rival in half, nearly knocking his boots off with the impact and the force of that rib-shattering attack. At the order of Catrina and her stone, "The Man Of 1,000 Deaths" decimated Puma with a single Flatliner and then leaving the ring. Matanza added on to the already inhuman punishment with a Wrath Of The Gods, successfully retaining his championship. Prince Puma may have come as close as anyone to dethroning the champion, but the question still remains: Who will cease this unstoppable monster dead in his tracks?
Rating: 4.5/5 

Killshot is training in an abandoned gym when Joey Ryan finds him. Ryan notifies him that there are some papers from his past, presumably before he ever entered the Temple. When questioned by the former Military combatant, he sarcastically asks "What do I look like, a detective?". Killshot then glares at the papers, which read "You left me for dead" written in black ink. The show closes with Killshot staring forward, refusing to take his attention off of Joey Ryan as he leaves the gym.
Rating: 4/5

Full Show Rating: 4.5/5

This was a far from weak edition of Lucha Underground, as many storylines were branched upon, the matches were enjoyable and awesome, and the debut of Sami Callihan was just too great to even describe. I can't wait to watch the episode next week, as we know it is gonna be a stacked show every single episode.

That culminates our review, I am the Local Hero Cameron Crash, saying goodbye for now, and I hope to see you soon with another fine review!!

Tuesday, October 4, 2016

Booking NXT! #1

Hey guys it's Tom Maher here and today Rest Hold Party bring to you a new series. We will be fantasy booking the biggest shows in WWE. We have myself booking the amazing NXT. I will be in charge of booking tournaments and Takeover's. Obviously I won't be making any additions to the roster unless I feel they're finished up with house show gigs or have debuted in real life. Also, my good friend Squid Devitt will be booking Smackdown as well as their exclusive pay per views and trying to make it more appealing than it already is. Finally, we have RAW. RAW is yet to have a booker but the well known blogger Cameron leads the chase at a primary candidate for the position. Now that we have that sorted let's get right into what I believe should happen for the next show.

Now, let's first take a look at this women's championship storyline. Asuka has been dominating the NXT women's division since the departures of huge names such as Nia Jax and of course Bayley. NXT haven't really built up any big women stars. Of course we have Liv Morgan leading the race but she is not yet a star. So, tomorrow night I would like to see Liv Morgan put on a hell of a match with Mandy Rose. I feel both women have big potential and I'd give them a nice 7 to 9 minute time slot. Let them build themselves and put on a clinic to show why women's wrestling in NXT is truly awesome.

Next up we will be taking a look at the Dusty Rhodes Tag Team Classic. I adore this idea and feel it should get some time. As we've already been told, Andrade Almas and Cedric Alexander will be taking on NXT Tag Champs The Revival. In my opinion this should go on for a solid 12 minutes to show off everybody. We see the highflying style of Almas and Cedric mixed with the ground and pound of The Revival. I feel this could be a great match. Throughout the bout I would have tension building between Cien and Cedric. Maybe Almas hits Cedric by accident or Almas chooses not to tag in Cedric. The Revival take the win and Cedric and Almas have a moment after the match where Cedric simply walks out on Almas possibly leading to a feud between the two.

Next up we're going to cut backstage to where William Regal is sitting at his desk. We here a loud knock and in comes Samoa Joe. Joe looks peeved off and demands that Regal give him his match against Nakamura or he'll raise hell. Regal refuses and says he hasn't come to a decision yet. Joe is furious and swipes the papers from Regal's desk and grabs Regal by his shirt and demands a match. Regal continues to refuse until Joe pulls him over the desk and puts him in his signature submission hold. People charge in after hearing the commotion and break it up before anything bad happens. Joe is eventually ripped off and the screen fades to an advertisement. I'd give this segment a solid 5 minutes to let Joe get to maximum intensity.

After we return from advertisements it cuts to a very shaky announce team as they try to calm everything down and tells the WWE Universe that Regal is on his way to a hospital to be treated and Joe has been escorted out the building.

Next up we see the debut of Dan Matha. This man is meant to be pure domination which is why we're going to have him debut against Angelo Dawkins. Dawkins is going to come out as confident as ever. Then the lights go off and we hear this awesome dark rock music and Dan Matha emerges from behind the curtains. He gets on the mic and cuts a short 1 minute promo to explain to the NXT fans in attendance why the reign of Dan Matha is going to run right through NXT. Matha then attacks Dawkins before the bell to draw some heat and the match lasts around 5 minutes. Matha destroys for most of it however for 2 minutes of so Dawkins gets offense in but it's a dominating display by Matha. Matha then gets Dawkins and beats him down again and again and again. They go to the announce table and put Dawkins through it. Matha has established himself as a force to be reckoned with. But then, from no where.

The Authors of Pain emerge through the curtain and face off with Matha before shaking hands. Matha looks at Ellering and smiles before picking him up for his finisher and laying him out. Ellering is taken off by medical staff and Dawkins manages to walk away with Medical Assistance. This whole situation will last around 10 minutes including the match.

Finally, to round of the night we here Tye Dillinger's music play. He walks to the entrance ramp and his music cuts off. We here Glorious Domination and Rode walks through the curtain while the fans sing his theme. The fans are estatic as Rode walks down the ramp and grabs a mic and announces that he is Tye's mentor and he is his protégé. Rode days that in the coming weeks Roode will be giving him challengers. The very first challenger you ask. Only The Greatest Man That Ever Lived. Austin Aries walks out to a nice pop and walks down the ramp and stares Tye Down. Aries has a mic in his and hands looks as if he's about to talk but instead lays out Rode with it. Tye then proceeds to attack him. This segment lasts 5 minutes giving the match a solid 13 minutes. The ref rings the bell and the match begins. It's pretty even but it ends up with Dillinger picking up the win. However, Aries had his foot on the ropes. The ref didn't see it and ,as Perfect Domination left the ring, Aries attacked the ref taking him out and laying him flat in his back. The night ends there.

I believe this was a good show as we saw a women's match getting a lot of time. We saw the Dusty Rhodes TTC progress in an awesome match. We saw the domination from Dan Matha. It leaves us wondering what is going to happen with Samoa Joe and we see Perfect Domination build some momentum head in into the TTC.

Thanks everyone for reading I've been Tom. Check out for the RAW and Smackdown booking soon to come.

Sunday, October 2, 2016

ROH: All-Star Extravaganza Review! (9/30/16)

Good morning ladies and gents, I am the Local Hero, the Review Guy Cameron Mcdonley, and today, I am here to review what just might be PPV of the year for Ring Of Honor. Yes, I am finally reviewing All-Star Extravaganza 8!!! As per usual, I'm gonna stop talking, and get to writing, because this was epic! Let's get straight to the festivities!!

This incredible show begins with a television title match between Bobby Fish and rising ROH wrestler Donovan Dijak. The match was not the best match of the night, but it was still a great showing from both men, as Bobby Fish's offense was as submission based as you can get and Dijak was not afraid to go full steam ahead with his power and his uncanny speed. The champion was just mere seconds away from seeing his title slip from his grasp when he got hit with Feast Your Eyes, but luckily enough his foot was on the bottom rope. The beginning of the end came when Dijak missed one of the most beautiful moonsaults I've seen in my life, and it wasn't long before his opponent Bobby Fish applied an inescapable rear naked choke, ending the match by submission.
Rating: 3.5/5 

The match that was to follow this solid match was a four-corner survival between ANX (Kenny King & Rhett Titus), Dalton Castle & Colt Cabana, War Machine (Hanson & Rowe) and Shane Taylor & Keith Lee. This was still a good match, as there was a lot of notable spots including a sequence that included an impressive frog splash by Rhett Titus and a pain-inflicting clothesline by Shane Taylor that sent his love sick adversary flipping in the air. All the massive wrestlers in this match including a 400 pound monster known as Keith Lee launched their bodies to the outside, leaving a devastated Rhett Titus and eccentric Dalton Castle in the ring alone. Castle hits a bang-a-rang, obtaining a huge victory for himself and a true ROH legend in Colt Cabana.
Rating: 3.5/5

After we hear from Nigel McGuinness and his worries about tonight's main event, we cut to another satisfying dose of in-ring action as Dragon Lee faced Kamaitachi in what I believe was one of the dark horse matches of the night. Many expected it to be a good one including myself, but the match we got was worth seeing every minute of. These two men took a lot of risks throughout this match. Multiple dives, hard strikes and one of the most sickening brainbusters I've ever seen in my life. That would've easily been the end of the match right there, but these two men were more intent on destroying their bodies than ending what has already been an insane match. It perorates with a Phoenix Suplex that had Kamaitachi down for the count, leaving Dragon Lee as your victor.
Rating: 4.5/5 

Preceding this battle was one that was surprisingly short, as Kyle O' Reilly faced Hangman Page in what was most likely the shortest match of the night. However 10 minutes was enough to get a handful of physicality in, as O' Reilly did not let up on his opponent, striking hard as ever and applying submissions like a well-oiled machine until Page tapped rather quickly. The malice behind Page was still there though, as he put Kyle's arm in a chair, launching him into the steel ring post like he was possessed by Alberto Del Rio, must to the dismay of Bobby Fish who was too late to save his fallen brethren. It is speculated that Adam Cole ordered Hangman Page to commit such a heinous act, and a this point in the angle I'd agree. I just wish these two can have another match somewhere in the near future, because I know they're capable of so much more than a 10 minute match.
Rating: 3.5/5 

The six-man Tag Team Championship tournament is underway with a match between The Briscoes and Toru Yano vs ACH, Kushida and Jay White. This match was a usual 15 minute tag match, as everybody landed each of their spots while displaying some decent psychology. The match eventually broke down quite frantically, as a brawl broke out, spiraling into everyone connecting with their finishers until ACH stopped Toru Yano dead in his tracks with a 450 splash, claiming the first victory in the tournament.
Rating: 3/5 

Jay Lethal opposes IWGP Intercontinental Champion Tetsuya Naito on the other side of the ring for this next match. From the sound of the bell, these two went at it, showing intensity with every move seen in this match. Naito hits a spinebuster reminiscent of the legendary Arn Anderson to transition into Destino, which is his finishing maneuver. Sadly he did not connect, as Lethal reversed it into a cutter position. He attempted Lethal Injection, which that was also reversed but luckily for Lethal, he still inflicted significant damage with a spinning heel kick that looked devastating. After fighting off a 2 on 1 assault from his opponent and EVIL, he hit a Lethal Injection from the second rope and only gets a two count, shocking everyone in the process! The damage was already done however, as Naito had his powerbomb reversed into a two move sequence: a Hurricanrana and a third Lethal Injection. Great match, Lethal still looks incredibly strong after that win and Naito did not look weak at all. Even better yet, that's the 4th time in a month that a New Japan guy lost to an ROH wrestler! All around awesome.
Rating: 4/5

Our co-main event of the evening is Adam Cole vs 'Unbreakable" Michael Elgin for the ROH World Title. The feud that sent ROH into the mainstream wrestling scene at Best In The World two years ago, and here we are, it has come full circle with Adam Cole once again Ring Of Honor World Champion and Elgin opposing him as the challenger. This match was arguably one of the better ones these two had, as the story was well-documented heading into this match and they played off of it really well, using spots that are shades of their past encounters, including their more famous contest from 2014. The NJPW/CMLL star came very close to knocking the champion off the hilltop, but as always, Cole finds a way to win and survive, and here he is, hitting the Last Shot on Elgin for the pinfall victory.
Rating: 3.99/5 

Finally, we have reached the main event of the evening after a great 3 hour show! Motor City Machine Guns, The Addiction and the Young Bucks all in one match, with a ladder between them! That's right readers, Ladder War 6 has finally come, the be all, end all of ladder matches right here! What else more can I say? This match was like nothing I've ever seen in this business. These men obviously don't have the meaning of the word danger in their vocabulary, as all of these teams risked their lives by going out there and having this match. By the end of it, table shards were everywhere, ladders and bodies were broken from the abuse and punishment they took. Christopher Daniels was the most damaged in this match, as he was bleeding profusely and his body was mangled from what he went through. I was left speechless by every spot, but none more than Daniels landing back first on a set-up barricade that I had no doubt was gonna break, but it never budged off the contraption. "The Fallen Angel" was more broken than every table, ladder and chair he went through, and that is no exaggeration. Kamaitachi and Jay White who weren't officially in the match went through tables as well, rendering them eliminated from the equation. The match culminated with an Indy-Taker off the top of the ladder on Kazarian through the table by Matt & Nick Jackson and the tandem ripping the titles from the clasp. We have new Ring Of Honor World Tag Team Champions, and God did they ever deserve it. That match was a brutal, gruesome masterpiece, and it cannot be disputed or brought up for discussion. I just hope everyone is okay after the match. An absolute classic, no doubt in my mind.
Rating: 5/5 

Full Show rating: 5/5

This was indeed Pay-Per-View of the year for ROH, if not argued as the best for this year. Between Death Before Dishonor, Wrestle Kingdom 10, NXT Takeover Dallas and this PPV, I am gonna have a hard time voting for PPV of the year if we ever do awards for 2016. Just magnificent.

This has been my first PPV review,and I hope you all enjoy it as much as I enjoyed writing it. I am the Local Hero, the Review Guy Cameron Mcdonley, and at least for 7 more hours, this is Goodbye Everybody!

Saturday, October 1, 2016

Daniel Bryan vs a Bear!?

BryanVsBear... An unreleased documentary of Daniel Bryan's road to facing a bear. This morning, the WWE's Twitter account released some clips of the documentary. I don't really think much of it, but if I could say anything I'd say “Why." What would Bryan actually gain from fighting a bear? Anyway, you can check it out if you want to.

Final Impact Episode!! (Or so we think..) Review: 9/29/16

Ladies and Gentlemen, we have reached our final destination. The inevitable end of a company that has had amazing matches and talent for 14 consecutive years. After endless mistakes and decisions that have put the company's future in uncertainty, we have the last ever Impact, at least for the foreseeable future.

Welcome to another Review of TNA Impact for what might possibly be the final time. I'm the Local Hero, the Review Guy Cameron Mcdonley, and we have a lot to discuss and I only got an hour to do it, so let's cease the interruptions and get straight to the action!

The show kickstarts with a promo segment between EC3 and Bobby Lashley. The two selected their teams for the Lethal Lockdown main event later on in the night. Lashley elects Drew Galloway, Mike Bennett and Maria Kanellis for his assembly of wrestlers. Ethan Carter the 3rd chooses Aron Rex, Moose and Gail Kim. "The Destroyer" warns Carter that his team will be led to the slaughter tonight on Impact. Solid opening promo, nothing too spectacular, just a decent way to open what could be the last piece of programming you ever produce.
Rating: 3/5 

Ironically, we have an X-Division championship match as the first contest tonight. What used to be the very foundation of your promotion is now the cannon fodder of your show. Although that may be sad, the match that we were presented with was possibly match of the night. DJZ and Eddie Edwards poured their hearts out into this battle, and was as fast paced and intense as you would expect it to be. DJZ retained his title as your last presumable champion in a division that while has no shortage of excitement inside the ring, has not possessed star power since Austin Aries was champion (at least in my estimation). Trevor Lee and Andrew Everett made a highly noticeable presence after the match, viciously decimating Edwards and DJZ. I sure hope this company continues, because if booked right, those two can become the next major stars emanating from that crop of wrestlers. Just talent all around that might not have a job after this Sunday, depressingly enough.
Rating: 4.5/5

Following a painstakingly lengthy commercial break, Josh Matthews is in an empty arena with "The Miracle" Mike Bennett and his former henchman/former NFL & ROH star, Moose. A very substantial promo given the cards these two were dealt, as I personally felt they weren't given the ball on this occasion, because if they were, God was it fumbled. I never had any emotional investment in this rivalry, but I will give the match a chance this Sunday because I know these two can at least have a sound match to cap off an extremely underwhelming feud. The biggest positive I can detract is that the angle gave them a reason to oppose each other in the six-sided ring on what is usually viewed as their WrestleMania or Starrcade every year.
Rating: 3/5 

The next match the fans received was a match between Madison Rayne and Laurel Van Ness, who was introduced by the 2nd most irritating character in TNA, Allie. While this was a good match all things considered, the one thing I took away from this match was that the crowd was dead for Madison every time she applied a hold. For somebody of her importance in TNA's history as a pioneer knockout, you could hear a pen drop during the whole match, and especially during her brief comebacks in this unusually prolonged competition. Van Ness connects with the upmost decency of a curb stomp to compose a merciful end to this dragging affair. Albeit still one of the better matches on this edition of Impact.
Rating: 3.5/5 

I feel bad for the Impact Zone, because the disease of overexposure has been ever present on this show, from the idiotic Maria Kanellis/Alie backstage skits, all the way to the persistent appearances from everyone involved in tonight's main event over the duration of the night. That was never more painfully obvious than in this next in-ring promo. Drew Galloway and Aron Rex had enjoyable banter back and forth, don't get me wrong, but we've all seen these two men so many times tonight that it is just difficult to be emotionally invested. Added on to the fact that this match is now cancelled due to Galloway's injury a day later, it really wasn't necessary.
Rating: 2.5/5 

Preceding what was just uninteresting at best, we turn a complete 180 degrees, as we get one of the most entertaining moments of this entire broadcast. Rosemary goes one on one against Reby Sky in a match that while short, was incredibly entertaining. After 10 minutes of physicality, Rosemary mists the referee much to his dismay and disqualifies her. Both the Broken Hardy family and Decay brawled around the arena, dismembering each other with ladders, chairs, electrocutions and strangulations until the brawl subsequently ended with Rosemary incapacitating Reby with a side effect through a table, leaving Decay as the only ones standing from this impromptu skirmish after the match.
Rating: 4/5

Succeeding another sizzle reel publicizing Cody Rhodes' debut for TNA at a PPV that is in a cloud of uncertainty (Bound For Glory). We interrupt your indulgence and enjoyment to give you another annoyance involving Maria Kanellis Bennett. God, I really want her off of my television before I throw a brick at it. Gail Kim's promo was nothing to complain about, but having to sit through Maria making every wrestling fan's ears bleed with that obnoxious voice and her insanely mannerisms that are nothing but indignation. That's all I have to say about this segment before I turn this review into a rant coming from an intense smart mark.
Rating: 1/5

Finally, in what might be one of the most bittersweet moments in my time as a wrestling fan, the main event is upon us. My feelings towards this main event are so weird, because while I am stoked for this main event, I am not ready for this company to end by any stretch of the imagination. I grew up watching this company, and to see it folding before my eyes while being aware that this could be the last main event in TNA history is mind-boggling. It was a great match with an excellent finish that exceptionally booked Lashley as a strong heel champion. However, I do feel like it would be palpable irony if Bobby Lashley, an Ex-WWE main eventer, was the terminal TNA World Heavyweight Champion. It would really put this promotion's 14-15 year existence in perfect perspective.
Rating: 4/5

Full Show Rating: 3.5/5 

Well, what else can I say? On a show that has the possibility of being a medium-sized landmark, it certainly didn't feel like it, as it seems like wrestlers were exposed far too much and barely anyone had anything left anymore. The passion was absolutely stark, and it eerily resembled the dying days of WCW and the original Smoky Mountain Wrestling. I did not fully enjoy this review, as I had this company's predicament in the back of my mind, but the show was watchable at best. Tomorrow, I will review ROH All-Star Extravaganza and ICW Fight Club #004, so be on the lookout for that.

I'm the Local Hero, Cameron Mcdonley, saying goodbye everybody!