Friday, October 14, 2016

Lucha Underground: The Open Road To Revenge (Review: 10/12/16)

Welcome back readers. this is your Local Hero, your Review Guy, Cameron Mcdonley. When you read that sentence, you know for a fact I'm reviewing a show or PPV. This time, we take our regular trip to the Temple, where intensity, drama, violence and especially high-quality professional wrestling take place all in the span of an hour. This is Lucha Underground!!!
This episode begins with a cut to the backstage area where El Dragon Azteca Jr. is preparing for his main event against Pentagon Dark tonight when Chavo Guerrero ambushes him from behind, repeatedly blasting him with chairshots to the head countless times until he was left slumped on the ground for Rey Mysterio to find. This was a good segment, as it planted a seed for further angles later on and in the immediate future. Chavo is rapidly becoming one of, if not the best heel on this show and I tell you this much, we'll see many reasons to believe that throughout this very eventful edition of Lucha Underground.
Rating: 3/5 

Opening the in-ring portion of this broadcast was a tag team match between the team of "Son Of Havoc" Matt Cross and Mascarita Sagrada, and their bitter enemies Famous B & Dr Wagner Jr. This match was not the best match of the night for sure, but the action was very exceptional and the contest served it's purpose as Famous B and Dr Wagner were solidified even further as heels. A very noteworthy moment in this match was when Sagrada was capable of lifting Famous B, regardless of his size deficit. Whether both wrestlers made an effort to make this spot work or if that was just how strong this man is, it was still an incredibly impressive feat. Overall a strong opener and a very entertaining feud so far.
Rating: 3/5 

There was another vague promo that is likely hyping up someone's return or debut on the show, citing once again that "They'll be here soon". I still have no clues as to who "They" are, but I hope this leads to something very worthwhile. I can't rate the segment this week because it was much shorter, plus it was dark and mysterious to the point that it added to the vagueness of it all. I will just wait this out and not rate these vignettes until the person or people in question make their presence felt in the esteemed Temple.
Rating: TBD 

Sexy Star defends her Gift Of The Gods title against Jack Evans in our co-main event of the evening, and trust me when I say this, this match could've easily been the main attraction had there not been at least one or more top draws in Lucha Underground sharing the ring in that time slot. It was a really good match, as Star was not afraid to take some devastating bumps throughout the whole affair. Evans wasn't totally out of the woods either, as his female adversary tore him apart in the first 10 minutes and would've likely continued to do so had he not given her a vicious side kick in the corner, which changed the tone and complexion of this war for the better or worse, depending on how you view the finish. The champion may have kept her title, but with the Worldwide Underground attempting to cost her the gold around her waist, one can wonder when her days will truly be numbered.
Rating: 4/5 

Before we get to our last commercial breaks, we cut to a phone call being made from Dario Cueto's office which gave him the unfortunate information that El Dragon Azteca Jr. can not make it to the main event tonight. Chavo Guerrero walked into his office and notified him that he has his hands figuratively tied and that he has no choice but to insert him in the main event. Rey Mysterio walks into his office however, and anarchy breaks loose completely. Rey and Chavo brawled with each other with malice until Dario came up with a brilliant stroke of absolute genius, majorly affecting the main event as he made it a Triple Threat Match between Rey, Chavo and Pentagon Dark! I am even more excited for the main event now! This should definitely be one to watch.
Rating: 3.5/5

As for the main event, it was exactly what you'd expect from three athletes of this caliber, as they put on a match that was undoubtedly the best match since the season started. It was the usual fast action, the high-impact spots and flying maneuvers, but with detrimental storytelling added to the explosive combination of the simulated combat in the ring. When you have all of those elements in a match like this, it is bound to be thrilling, no chance of it not living up to expectations. Pentagon also obtained the pinfall victory in this incredible battle, which is a tremendous upside.
Rating: 4.5/5

The action was far from over however, as Pentagon Dark tried his hand at breaking Rey Mysterio's arm to no avail. Chavo Guerrero ambushes Rey with a spear and a few well-timed shots to the abdominal vicinity, rendering his opposition defenseless to sickening chairshots attacking the leg. Guerrero ties him to the tree of woe, allowing Mysterio to be helpless even further. There were continued shots to the leg and the ACL from Mysterio's disturbed adversary until the show went off the air.
Rating: 4/5 

Full Show Rating: 4.5/5 
This was certainly another strong show, as it was fun and satisfying to watch. Next week will feature a main event between Prince Puma and Mil Muertes, and I can guarantee you now, it won't be a walk in the park for either men and it will be more than simply exciting for the Believers.  With this being as exceptional and amazing as it was, it will be very difficult to top this episode overall, but knowing this show, that will be a very easy task for Robert Rodriguez and the other writers of this program.

That was it for this review, I am the Review Guy Cameron Mcdonley. Goodnight everybody!!

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