Saturday, October 8, 2016

Booking NXT! #2

So, we start off this episode of NXT with Samoa Joe coming out and threatening William Regal. He talks about what will happen if a match doesn't come his way. The screen then cuts to Regal in a hospital bed. He says to Joe that of he is able to beat a mystery opponent in a match he will get that opportunity. And that match will be right now. Dan Matha comes out and looks like he's ready for the fight. Then, The Authors of Pain come out. Matha and Joe have a decent match but Joe takes Matha to the outside and continues the count. Matha reverses one of Joe's moves and crawls into the ring. Matha tries to exit but can't. The ref blocks him. As the ref blocks him Joe gets to his feet but The Authors of Pain beat him down and make sure he gets counted out. Dan Matha wins and Joe is furious.
Next we cut backstage to where Liv Morgan is giving an interview about last week. Out of nowhere Billie Kay and Peyton Royce attack Morgan and Mandy Rose comes to help and rips them off but then she's attacked too and the Kay and Royce are pulled away by security guards. It is then announced they will have a tag team match next week. The winner gets a non title match against Asuka in which if she wins she gets an opportunity at the NXT women's championship. It looks to be an awesome build to what will hopefully be an good match
Next up we have Austin Aries who is going to come out a cut a short promo on all the disadvantages he had in his match against Tye Dillinger last week. He talks about how Bobby Roode was by The Perfect 10's side and Aries was being trash talked and distracted him. Aries decided he is going to announce his partner for the TTC. The arena lights fade to black an appearing on the screen is "STRONG" THE crowd pops massively and is arguably one of the largest pops in NXT history. The crowd chants "Holy Shit!" Aries and Strong make their way to the ring and they cut a promo about why they are going to be winning the TTC and as they make their way to the back the crowd continues chanting in support. Then, as they disappear through the curtain, a graphic appears on screen showing Roderick Strong and Austin Aries vs Bobby Roode and Tye Dillinger next week in the Main Event of NXT. The crowd has another good pop and we cut to advertisement.
When we return we carry on the Tag Team Classic hype as the Bollywood Boys take on the enormous Author's of Pain with the destroyer Dan Matha at ringside. The match is really good stuff and Matha does a few distractions to help the Author's of Pain get the advantage. Until about 3/4 of the way through Samoa Joe emerges through the curtain with security trying to stop him from attacking them but to no avail. Joe has a trash can in his hand and goes to town on both Dan Matha and The Author's of Pain. The Author's of Pain won but at what cost.
Next up we see the debut of Sanity. This team has been hyped up so much and we're finally going to see who is part of it. Eric Young's music hits and the crowd pops. Young is talking in a slow maniacal voice. He then introduces Sawyer Fulton and Alexander Wolfe. Then, he says we need a lady so brings out Ember Moon. They then offer if anybody wants to challenge them. First of all we see Patrick Clark come out. He looks like he's down for a fight and makes his way to the ring. Eric Young looks like his opponent and they have a solid bout that Young wins comfortably. It's a good debut for Sanity. They think it's over but then Asuka comes out to a nice pop. Asuka says that she wants Moon next week and Sanity agrees.
Next we cut back to an interview with Dillinger and they are talking about his chances next week until he's interrupted by Aries. Strong isn't there as a way to build the hype. Aries then attack the Perfect Ten and Roode comes out but Aries delivers a huge chair shot dropping Aries before he's dragged away by security. This gives great momentum for next week. Finally, we have the main event.
In the main event we're going to see the cruiserweights get a spot as we see Cedric Alexander vs Kota Ibushi and these guys put on a spectacle. One of the greatest matches in NXT history. Zayn vs Nakamura type of match minus the hype of Nakamura. It lasts a decent amount of time and Cedric comes out with the win but Cien comes out and annihilates the American. He destroys him and mutilates him. Cedric is stretchered off and Andrade Almas takes a mic. He goes to the top rope and sits on the turnbuckle. He enjoys the hatred he's receiving and he says that at NXT Takeover: Toronto he wants a one on one match with Cedric Alexander. All of a sudden William Regal appears on the tron and makes that match. At Takeover. It'll be Cedric Alexander vs Andrade Almas. Then, NXT ends after an awesome show. We see Roddy Strong, Sanity looks strong, The Women's division is heating up and Samoa Joe continues his reign of destruction as his presence glooms over NXT.

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