Friday, October 21, 2016

Lucha Underground: Payback Time (Review: 10/19/16)

Ladies and Gentlemen, sound the mariachi band, cue the commentators and let anarchy ring throughout the temple! Yes my readers, welcome to another Lucha Underground Review! I am the "Local Hero" Cameron Mcdonley, alongside my trusty keyboard to give you the best review of the chaotic ride that is Lucha Underground. With that said, let's cut the talking, because there's a lot of action we have to experience during this fine hour.

The show opens with Prince Puma preparing for his war with Mil Muertes later on in the show when Vampiro appears, once again offering his managerial services to the face of The Temple. Puma clearly rejected that offer, stating that he'd rather die by Mil's hands than to live by his. Vampiro makes his prediction known to him that he thinks Prince Puma will make "The Man Of 1,000 Deaths" die by his hands. This was a segment I found highly intriguing, because I can visualize how this angle will take shape, with the twisted human being who once set Sting on fire managing a man that is usually a very prideful individual. It'd be like James Mitchell going to WWE and managing a heel John Cena, but not quite. Anyway, the vignette left me very interested, and I'd like to see where this leads to.
Rating: 3/5

Our opening match is once again another product of Dario's Dial of Doom, as Killshot was selected by the hand of the wheel to try his hand at ripping the Lucha Underground title from the cannibalistic monster's grasp. He ultimately did not obtain the victory, as Matanza Cueto defeated his newest challenger in a 20 minute display of physicality, notably from Killshot himself, as he displayed a really solid level of intensity and passion we don't usually see from him. Matanza was not slacking in the aggression department either, as he hit a sickening uppercut to the side of his opposition's head in the midway point of this match. Great match.
Rating: 3.5/5

After a solid and noteworthy title match, an unidentified man with dog-tags similar to the former soldier walked very eerily to the ring. Killshot noticed who he was and embraced him, but was only met with an inverted axe kick and a spinning brainbuster from his once brother-in-arms. Although we do not know his name, it was very clear who he was, because he whispered "You left me for dead" as he dropped his dog-tags on the chest of Killshot. I hope we can get some information on his character name and a further look into his backstory, because this whole ordeal seems extremely intense right off the bat.
Rating: 3.5/5 

Preceding another vague "They'll Be Here Soon" promo, the Trios Champions (Aerostar, Fenix and Drago) entered the ring for what seemed to be another Trios contest when the owner of this esteemed establishment, Dario Cueto himself, shook up the course a bit by offering another flavor, a triple threat match between the champions! It wasn't just for the sick enjoyment of Dario however, as a number twenty spot in the Aztec Warfare match on November 9th was on the line! We were definitely treated to a masterpiece here, as all three of these high-caliber luchadors fought through blood, sweat and possible brain damage for a late entry into a battle royal where the Lucha Underground Championship was up for grabs. There was an excessive amount of high-flying maneuvers from Fenix, but that does not change the overall feeling of the match, as the crowd was hot for all of it and Drago had a decisive victory with a destroyer DDT that looked like he shattered Aerostar's neck. When wrestlers can make it look like they're killing each other, you know they've put on a contest that is one to remember.
Rating: 4/5 

From there, we cut to a brief backstage segment between Cobra Moon and Drago. Moon was almost ordering Drago to win the championship at Aztec Warfare 3 for their tribe. Drago angrily notified her that he left her tribe dozens of years ago before screaming into the sky in frustration. It may have been short, but it was still enjoyable, as it was used to further what seems to be a new storyline for both Cobra Moon and Drago. I hope they do something worthwhile with this, but then again, they don't need me wishing or hoping because I can almost guarantee you that this will be at least fun to watch over the next few weeks or even more if they take it that far.
Rating: 3/5 

Dario Cueto is doing absolutely nothing in his office when a desperate and frustrated Johnny Mundo storms into his office with a bargain for a Gift Of The Gods championship match with Sexy Star next week. Mundo briefly mentions what happened at the end of episode 1 in 2014 when Dario offered him the highest payout in the show's history before handing him the briefcase in desperation to get at least one singles championship in Lucha Underground. Mr. Cueto accepts the money and signs the match, making it set in stone for next week's show.
Rating: 3.5/5

The time has come, the clock has struck noon and the two baddest gunslingers are going at it in the temple! It is Prince Puma going to war once more with his arch-nemesis Mil Muertes in a clash that will eclipse any level of intensity that these two had in any of their past encounters! A war it most certainly was, as this time there was no hesitation, no methodical movement as these two bitter enemies didn't think twice about attempting to eviscerate the other throughout the entire match. Every single move from these two gladiators was done with conviction. Although neither man were killed off in this match, it seems like Muertes has met his match, as Puma pinned him cleanly in the ring for one of the most shocking outcomes in the show's short, but illustrious history.
Rating: 4.5/5 

This brilliant episode ends with a final segment, cutting to Rey Mysterio's training grounds, where he was seen conversing with Chavo Guerrero Sr, otherwise known as Chavo Classic to nostalgic fans who watched WWE in the Ruthless Aggression Era. The former NWA and AWA breakout star, the man who innovated the moonsault was presented with a ultimatum from the King Of Lucha Libre that no parent should be forced to partake in. He either blackballs his own son from the Guerrero family, or Rey himself is leaving that family altogether. This rivalry has surely become incredibly personal, as a legendary family is now caught in the crossfire of what has been a dangerous rivalry so far.
Rating: 4.5/5 

Full Show Rating: 4.85/5

This show was in my opinion, the best episode of this new season, as we were treated to three entertaining matches, segments that were undoubtedly intense, and storylines for the near future were given the seeds to be planted and turned into something worthwhile. Not much else to say, I enjoyed myself watching this, and I hope everybody reading this did as well.

That statement concludes this review, I am the "Review Guy" Cameron Mcdonley signing off, hopefully I will see you all soon. Goodnight everybody!

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