Sunday, October 16, 2016

Impact Wrestling Review: (10/13/16)

Salutations my broken brethren, I am your Local Hero, your Review Guy Cameron Mcdonley and I have the most beautiful premonition.... A IMPACT WRESTLING REVIEW!!! With that said, the time for conversation is OVAH, as we head to the Zone of Impact on this fine Sunday morning!

The show opens with Eddie Edwards in the ring, cutting a promo that is reminiscent of every single "never say die" babyface that has ever been in this sport, when Bobby Lashley comes out and viciously assaults the new champion until EC3 and Moose came to Edwards' aide. Knowing how Lashley lost his title last week, you had to figure he'd react like this, as generic as this segment was. The opening segment was not the best part of the show once again, but just like last week, it planted seeds for future angles, so I'm not disappointed at all.
Rating: 3/5 

Our opening match of the night is contested for the Impact Grand Championship, as Aron Rex defends his coveted championship against Jesse Godderz, In my opinion, it was the weakest match that this division has had since the tournament took place a month ago. Most of the contest was holds and tie-ups, which is not necessarily a bad thing, but that was obviously not what the crowd had in mind, as they were completely dead. A crowd really affects how the home audience enjoys a match, and this match was definite proof, as I cut myself off from it in the 2nd round to listen to music. Thankfully there was one highlight I took out of it, which was a devastating discus elbow from Rex to end the battle late in the 3rd round. Other than that, not much positive to say about this match.
Rating: 2.5/5 

Following this segment was one of very unusual flavor, as the Broken Hardy's made their much welcomed appearances to the Impact Zone for their usual promos of just absolute insanity. Brother Nero had an impromptu concert of his theme song "Obsolete" in front of the crowd, which was surprisingly painless as well. Long story short, it was all fun and games until the Tribunal jumped the guardrail and attacked the Tag Team Champions during their marvelous celebration. I guess having their stones cracked by the boss Billy Corgan earlier was the shot in the arm these guys needed, because they refused to let up until they wiped them out. I always thought this team was great in NXT, and I'm glad they're finally reaching that potential.
Rating: 3/5 

Cody Rhodes finally makes his in-ring debut this week, opposing Mike Bennett on the other side of this six-sided combat surface in what was most likely the best match this week. It was much like what you'd expect between two wrestlers who have the abilities that they undoubtedly possess, as both men took hellacious bumps throughout this 20 minute affair for the sake of getting one step closer to reaching the top of the mountain. If I could pinpoint my favorite points of this match, which is a difficulty on its own, I'd say the Hangman's DDT on the outside by "The Miracle" Mike Bennett, and the superplex inside the ring by Cody. Phenomenal effort by these two combatants, I hope they share a ring again, preferably soon.
Rating: 3.5/5 

The X-Division title was on the line in this next contest, as newcomer Marshe Rockett challenged DJ Z for his title. This match was another solid outing from two fine competitors in their own right, as Marshe impressively displayed his power and aggression with every move he did, including a vertical suplex that looked nasty, especially how sickening it truly looked when DJ Z landed on the ring apron, That Axe Kick is also something special, as Rockett's size allows him to use that move in a way where it looks like he is legitimately killing his opponent. DJ Z was also great here, as he showed off his normal spots to perfection, especially his aerial maneuvers. Hopefully Marshe Rockett gets a title reign soon, because this division needs another monster just like Samoa Joe was.
Rating: 3.5/5 

Impact this week seems to be very wrestling oriented, as there were barely any backstage segments before we had our Knockouts Title match between Gail Kim and *sighs* Maria Kanellis.. This part of the show was shockingly not the worst part of the show at all, as Maria finally got her comeuppance in this angle and had the daylights beaten out of her by Gail throughout this No Disqualification match. Thank God Kim won, because I'm not sitting through another segment between these two. I'm tired of this angle and I'm tired of Maria, case closed. Overall, an okay match.
Rating: 3/5 

Preceding this match, there seems to be a normal conversation between the commentators at ringside going on when the screen goes static, a clock appears on the screen until the feed cuts to three men in masks sitting at a table with 9 or 10 other masks on it. They speak very vaguely, talking almost poetically until the screen goes static again when they show a quote from Martin Luther King Jr. I have a lot of faith that this will be at least a watchable angle, as I am almost sure this won't be like every other stable TNA has done. Then again, I shouldn't hold my breath. Otherwise a very intriguing vignette.
Rating: 4/5 

Our main event of the evening was a match between EC3 and Moose to determine who will go one-on-one against Bobby Lashley next week. The match was decent at best, as it could've been better, but it was still highly enjoyable, so I can't complain too much. Moose obtained the victory at the end of it, making the dream match between Lashley and Moose a reality next week. That match will be one that is must-see, as these two powerful wrestlers will finally collide in an official sanctioned contest. I doubt it'll be better than Cody Rhodes vs Eddie Edwards for the TNA World Heavyweight Championship, but surely it'll be up there right?
Rating: 3/5

Full Show Rating: 3.5/5 

Not much else to say about this episode of Impact, other than the fact that although it might be the weakest episode since they transitioned to POP TV, it was still somewhat enjoyable, and a lot more watchable than a RAW on Monday night. That might change in these next coming weeks with Goldberg showing up in the WWE, but as of right now, the fact still remains that even a poor Impact is better than a deplorable RAW every week.

Anyway, this is the Review Guy himself, Cameron Mcdonley signing off. Goodnight everybody!

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