Saturday, October 22, 2016

Ring Of Honor Wrestling-Episode #265 (Review)

ROH! ROH! ROH! Hello readers, I am the Local Hero himself, the man forever known as The Review Guy, Cameron Mcdonley with another review. As you can infer, this is another review of one of the most consistent, enjoyable, and all around the best pure wrestling show on this planet, Ring Of Honor! Following two specials emanating from MCU Park, we are now in the midst of the fallout from what is considered by many as PPV of the year for ROH, All-Star Extravaganza! Without any further interruptions, let's head to the Lakeland Civic Center for this week's hour of amazing wrestling action!
The show opens with an unmistakable entrance by one of the most notorious wrestling factions to come around in years, the Bullet Club. Led by the Ring Of Honor World Champion, Adam Cole, they made quite the presence at the PPV a month ago, with Kyle O' Reilly being taken out by Adam Page, the champion himself besting Michael Elgin in a solid encounter and the Young Bucks regaining the ROH World Tag Team Championships once again in the most brutal Ladder War in company history. Imaginably, they narrowed all of those impressive feats in one promo that was no doubt a trademark of this stable. They bragged and they basked in their glory while arrogantly displaying their overconfidence. A very good heel promo by the Bullet Club to start off the broadcast.
Rating: 3/5

The match that opened this hour was far from your average contest, as it was an uncontrollable brawl between Shane Taylor, Keith Lee, and War Machine, who have shown a lot of hatred towards one another in recent weeks. All of that was display in a fight that was a war between these two teams, no pun intended. No headlocks or moves here, just a lot of leniency by the official as there were punches thrown, chairs wielded and many other happenings that in any other profession would immediately be classified as disorderly conduct and possible assault. After all the blood that was shed in this match and all the malice that was behind each shot and throw, War Machine obtained the victory but it was far from over, as Shane Taylor attacked Ray Rowe from behind alongside his partner Keith Lee, who had no problem doing the same to Hanson. This rivalry is far, far from over, regardless of the thoughts that some ROH fans have about this feud.
Rating: 3.5/5

The 6-Man Tag Team Tournament continues in our next match, as one of the most entertaining stables in wrestling by my estimation, The Cabinet oppose Jason Kincaid, Leon St. Giovanni and Shaheem Ali in a match that was not the best match I've seen from any of these 6 men, but it was still enjoyable, as Caprice Coleman bumped like a madman because that's his usual routine, Kenny King showed off his uncanny ability to be athletic and quick as a fox in that ring, Kincaid impressed me once again with his agility and Rhett Titus was just being, well Rhett Titus. I couldn't tell you the exact time that the match lasted, but it lasted a decent amount of time with the right people going over, which was The Cabinet. Fun match!
Rating: 3/5 

Our main event of the evening was an exciting one, at least for me, as Jay Lethal was up against one of the most underrated wrestlers in ROH, Silas Young. This one had the potential to be so much more than it was, with Lethal being a exceptional competitor and Silas having all the tools to be ROH World Champion, but with all the combustible elements such as Adam Cole being on commentary until he interfered, Kyle O' Reilly attacking Cole and the Bullet Club causing the match to be a no-contest, it fell flat after 15 minutes of very solid in-ring action. Although the no-contest allowed for an exciting ending to television this week with all of the men involved brawling over the championship and Silas Young standing tall at the end with the title in his grasp for the moment, what could've been a phenomenal match was cut short. That's all I have to complain about however, still highly enjoyable!
Rating: 3.5/5

Full Show Rating: 3.5/5 
Although I gave this episode a lower rating this week, I still enjoyed it and to be honest, it was still the best show I've seen this week next to the latest episode of Lucha Underground. That's all I have to say, it was fun to watch.

Well, that's it for this review. I will see you all next week with more reviews! Goodbye Everybody!

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