Sunday, October 9, 2016

ROH Episode #263 (Review)

Welcome back ladies and gents, I am the Local Hero, the Review Guy Cameron Mcdonley, and this time, I have the esteemed privilege of taking you all out to a ball game! That's right, this edition of Ring Of Honor Wrestling is broadcasted from MCU Park, as it is a special known as Field Of Honor!!! So without further ado, let's hit the ring for more exciting ROH action!

Our opening contest of the night is a Ring Of Honor World Television Championship match between Bobby Fish and EVIL. This match was an enjoyable one, as EVIL continued his wicked ways and disrespected the Code Of Honor and the rules every time opportunity knocked on his door. However, it was far from enough for the Los Ingobernables member to wrest the title from his opposition, as "The Infamous" Bobby Fish locked in a rear naked choke and obtained another outstanding submission victory! Not to mention, there was no shortage of the usual martial arts maneuvers displayed by the champion, as he applied the pressure on every hold, strike and counterattack he did until the match commenced with his competitive adversary tapping on the mat.
Rating: 3.5/5

The following match that was to succeed a solid Television Title match was one with a historic footnote attached to it, as the IWGP Intercontinental Championship is defended for the first time ever in the United States, as the champion (at that time) "Unbreakable" Michael Elgin put his title on the line against one of the most impressive upstart athletes in Ring Of Honor history, Donovan Dijak. This competition was one that had a completely different tone from the rest, as these two did not pull any punches and gave each other everything they had in what was sure to go down as a historic match in history, no matter how large or minute that footnote will be. Dijak may have had a highly physical match with Bobby Fish at All-Star Extravaganza just recently, but this contest showed that he can match power with the best of them, and impressively enough, that includes a machine like Elgin, who has had a stellar year in multiple promotions. The championship was successfully defended indeed, but one can truly ponder how far the challenger Dijak will go in his career, as he is still fairly young.
Rating: 4/5

After two exceptional one-on-one encounters, we shift gears to what should, and will be a frantic 8-Man Tag Team main event. The Motor City Machine Guns, ACH and Lio Rush formed together to combat the Bullet Club, which consisted of the Young Bucks, Hangman Page and Yujiro Takahashi on this particular occasion. As I rightfully predicted, this match was sheer chaos, just complete utter mayhem in the best way, as all 8 men were on top of their game in this insane contest. When you have the caliber of athletes that these wrestlers were in the ring, and when you know all of these competitors have a high-flying background, you just had to know that this was gonna be the conclusion of such combustible elements. High spots everywhere, superkicks were ever present and high-impact moves were fired off one after the other in what was a pure blast to watch, and I guarantee you, the fans there had to feel the same way. Although it wasn't the better wrestling match of the night, it was surely satisfying seeing a fast-paced battle.
Rating: 3.85/5 

Full Show Rating: 4/5 

This was most certainly a highly enjoyable show, as there wasn't any angles in the show, just very fun, exciting and intriguing matches. I have no negatives about this show as always, but this edition of their television definitely had a different flavor to it, and I turned off my computer as a satisfied wrestling fan. That's all that really matters is that at the end of the day, people enjoy it.

That was it for this review, I hope you have enjoyed coming along for this wild ride as much as I did scribing it to you all. I am the Local Hero, the Review Guy Cameron Mcdonley, and I am afraid it is my time to sign off. Goodbye everybody!

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