Thursday, October 6, 2016

Lucha Underground Review! (10/5/16)

Salutations ladies and gentlemen, I am the Local Hero, the Review Guy, Cameron Mcdonley, and here I am with another review! This time around, we take a trip to Boyle Heights, into The Temple for another exciting edition of the hottest wrestling show in recent memory, Lucha Underground! Let's cease the introductions, all discussions come to a grinding halt as we get to another review of this entertaining show!

The first visual we see after the usual intro is the owner of this Temple, Dario Cueto ready as ever to name his brother's next victim with his Dial Of Doom. The wheel spins until it stops on the name of Prince Puma. Cueto then cuts a scathing promo on Puma, mentioning how he was the inaugural champion and that his brother is more dominant than he'll ever be with the gold around his waist. This was a really good way to open the show and it set up a very noteworthy main event for later on in the show.
Rating: 3/5 

The match that is the beginning explosion to wrestling's action movie counterpart is between the fearless Ivelisse and the mentally impaired Mariposa, who herself was accompanied by her less than sane brother, to put it kindly. This was most definitely the match you would expect from these two women, as they showed in this match that the women are very capable of hitting harder than the men. The shots were very stiff, as Ivelisse struck with the hardest kicks I've ever seen. You could see Mariposa buckle every time her opposition inflicted punishment. However, she hit twice as hard when she retaliated, making this a highly even and competitive match. Ivelisse obtained the victory with a beautiful Canadian Destroyer which lead to an immediate pinfall. Marty The Moth ambushed her after the contest, leaving his fallen enemy helpless to an eventual two-on-one assault. An intense affair to kick off the festivities for tonight.
Rating: 3.5/5 

We cut back from break with Dario conducting a phone conversation with somebody unknown when Johnny Mundo opens his office door uninvited, demanding a Lucha Underground title match. Mr. Cueto made it very clear that he will not have any plans to put him in that title picture, which infuriated the "Wednesday Night Delight". He requested a Gift Of The Gods title match in visible desperation, to which he was shot down again, instead met with the announcement that Jack Evans will face the champion Sexy Star next week. Mundo left his office mentioning something about divine intervention before slamming the door behind him.
Rating: 3.5/5 

Before we take a commercial break, there is a very creepy unusual promo with the screen flashing repeatedly, cutting back to a bunny. The segment ended with white words over a black background which read "They'll be here soon". I don't know what to rate this segment, as it was clearly a promo for a debut or return, but I have a hard time guessing who this character could be. It was definitely mysterious and left me guessing, which did its job in that sense, but it was incredibly vague. I'll just wait and see what this turns out to be before I give it too negative of a rating.
Rating: 3/5 

Our co-main event match of the show was match two of this best of five series between Brian Cage and Texano. This was far from a bad match, as these two did everything in their power to put the other away for the three count or a submission, but the eventual winner of this battle was "The Machine" Cage with a devastating sit-out cyclone slam, which by all intents and purposes was a variation of the F-5. A much better match than I thought it would be going in, which is a great sign, because last week I was honestly opposed to this series. If it means we'll be getting three more matches like this count me in! It could end very abruptly if Cage gets a third victory next week, but I don't see that happening, so let's all just sit back and enjoy this very intense and competitive ride, filled with bone-jarring slams and unbelievable feats of athleticism and agility from two large men.
Rating: 4/5 

Ivelisse is in the locker room seemingly collecting herself from that post-match assault when her boyfriend, Sami Callihan makes his appearance in the locker room! The two discuss the match and how Callihan will kill them, when his woman tells him that she can handle herself. God, I love that Sami Freakin' Callihan is on this show! With him and his girl, who is arguably one of the best female wrestlers paired up in storyline side by side, the possibilities are endless, and the sky is the limit as to where this could end up. I'm very stoked to see how this all plays out, hopefully an intergender match between the two? One can only hope...
Rating: 3.5/5 

The wait is finally over, and our much anticipated main event match is finally upon us, as Prince Puma opposes "The Monster" Matanza Cueto on the other side of the ring for what is sure to be a phenomenal Lucha Underground Championship. On all accounts, it was far from phenomenal, it was fantastic! Both wrestlers displayed their strongest maneuvers and assets throughout the match, as this was absolutely as far away from your usual Matanza match as you can get. There was a legitimate fear in the eyes of his brother Dario at ringside numerous times during the contest every time Puma became just a split-second closer to ending their reign of terror once and for all. Towards the end, Matanza was momentarily incapacitated by a detrimental and much needed 630 splash from his adversary when Mil Muertes runs into the ring and spears his bitter rival in half, nearly knocking his boots off with the impact and the force of that rib-shattering attack. At the order of Catrina and her stone, "The Man Of 1,000 Deaths" decimated Puma with a single Flatliner and then leaving the ring. Matanza added on to the already inhuman punishment with a Wrath Of The Gods, successfully retaining his championship. Prince Puma may have come as close as anyone to dethroning the champion, but the question still remains: Who will cease this unstoppable monster dead in his tracks?
Rating: 4.5/5 

Killshot is training in an abandoned gym when Joey Ryan finds him. Ryan notifies him that there are some papers from his past, presumably before he ever entered the Temple. When questioned by the former Military combatant, he sarcastically asks "What do I look like, a detective?". Killshot then glares at the papers, which read "You left me for dead" written in black ink. The show closes with Killshot staring forward, refusing to take his attention off of Joey Ryan as he leaves the gym.
Rating: 4/5

Full Show Rating: 4.5/5

This was a far from weak edition of Lucha Underground, as many storylines were branched upon, the matches were enjoyable and awesome, and the debut of Sami Callihan was just too great to even describe. I can't wait to watch the episode next week, as we know it is gonna be a stacked show every single episode.

That culminates our review, I am the Local Hero Cameron Crash, saying goodbye for now, and I hope to see you soon with another fine review!!

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