Tuesday, October 4, 2016

Booking NXT! #1

Hey guys it's Tom Maher here and today Rest Hold Party bring to you a new series. We will be fantasy booking the biggest shows in WWE. We have myself booking the amazing NXT. I will be in charge of booking tournaments and Takeover's. Obviously I won't be making any additions to the roster unless I feel they're finished up with house show gigs or have debuted in real life. Also, my good friend Squid Devitt will be booking Smackdown as well as their exclusive pay per views and trying to make it more appealing than it already is. Finally, we have RAW. RAW is yet to have a booker but the well known blogger Cameron leads the chase at a primary candidate for the position. Now that we have that sorted let's get right into what I believe should happen for the next show.

Now, let's first take a look at this women's championship storyline. Asuka has been dominating the NXT women's division since the departures of huge names such as Nia Jax and of course Bayley. NXT haven't really built up any big women stars. Of course we have Liv Morgan leading the race but she is not yet a star. So, tomorrow night I would like to see Liv Morgan put on a hell of a match with Mandy Rose. I feel both women have big potential and I'd give them a nice 7 to 9 minute time slot. Let them build themselves and put on a clinic to show why women's wrestling in NXT is truly awesome.

Next up we will be taking a look at the Dusty Rhodes Tag Team Classic. I adore this idea and feel it should get some time. As we've already been told, Andrade Almas and Cedric Alexander will be taking on NXT Tag Champs The Revival. In my opinion this should go on for a solid 12 minutes to show off everybody. We see the highflying style of Almas and Cedric mixed with the ground and pound of The Revival. I feel this could be a great match. Throughout the bout I would have tension building between Cien and Cedric. Maybe Almas hits Cedric by accident or Almas chooses not to tag in Cedric. The Revival take the win and Cedric and Almas have a moment after the match where Cedric simply walks out on Almas possibly leading to a feud between the two.

Next up we're going to cut backstage to where William Regal is sitting at his desk. We here a loud knock and in comes Samoa Joe. Joe looks peeved off and demands that Regal give him his match against Nakamura or he'll raise hell. Regal refuses and says he hasn't come to a decision yet. Joe is furious and swipes the papers from Regal's desk and grabs Regal by his shirt and demands a match. Regal continues to refuse until Joe pulls him over the desk and puts him in his signature submission hold. People charge in after hearing the commotion and break it up before anything bad happens. Joe is eventually ripped off and the screen fades to an advertisement. I'd give this segment a solid 5 minutes to let Joe get to maximum intensity.

After we return from advertisements it cuts to a very shaky announce team as they try to calm everything down and tells the WWE Universe that Regal is on his way to a hospital to be treated and Joe has been escorted out the building.

Next up we see the debut of Dan Matha. This man is meant to be pure domination which is why we're going to have him debut against Angelo Dawkins. Dawkins is going to come out as confident as ever. Then the lights go off and we hear this awesome dark rock music and Dan Matha emerges from behind the curtains. He gets on the mic and cuts a short 1 minute promo to explain to the NXT fans in attendance why the reign of Dan Matha is going to run right through NXT. Matha then attacks Dawkins before the bell to draw some heat and the match lasts around 5 minutes. Matha destroys for most of it however for 2 minutes of so Dawkins gets offense in but it's a dominating display by Matha. Matha then gets Dawkins and beats him down again and again and again. They go to the announce table and put Dawkins through it. Matha has established himself as a force to be reckoned with. But then, from no where.

The Authors of Pain emerge through the curtain and face off with Matha before shaking hands. Matha looks at Ellering and smiles before picking him up for his finisher and laying him out. Ellering is taken off by medical staff and Dawkins manages to walk away with Medical Assistance. This whole situation will last around 10 minutes including the match.

Finally, to round of the night we here Tye Dillinger's music play. He walks to the entrance ramp and his music cuts off. We here Glorious Domination and Rode walks through the curtain while the fans sing his theme. The fans are estatic as Rode walks down the ramp and grabs a mic and announces that he is Tye's mentor and he is his protégé. Rode days that in the coming weeks Roode will be giving him challengers. The very first challenger you ask. Only The Greatest Man That Ever Lived. Austin Aries walks out to a nice pop and walks down the ramp and stares Tye Down. Aries has a mic in his and hands looks as if he's about to talk but instead lays out Rode with it. Tye then proceeds to attack him. This segment lasts 5 minutes giving the match a solid 13 minutes. The ref rings the bell and the match begins. It's pretty even but it ends up with Dillinger picking up the win. However, Aries had his foot on the ropes. The ref didn't see it and ,as Perfect Domination left the ring, Aries attacked the ref taking him out and laying him flat in his back. The night ends there.

I believe this was a good show as we saw a women's match getting a lot of time. We saw the Dusty Rhodes TTC progress in an awesome match. We saw the domination from Dan Matha. It leaves us wondering what is going to happen with Samoa Joe and we see Perfect Domination build some momentum head in into the TTC.

Thanks everyone for reading I've been Tom. Check out for the RAW and Smackdown booking soon to come.

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