Wednesday, November 9, 2016

WWE Hall Of Famer Announced for SmackDown LIVE's 900th Episode

Next Tuesday, SmackDown LIVE will be reaching a historic milestone for the brand, as the show will reach it's 900th Episode. Its a very long time from the first episode, on August 26th, 1999, all the way up to 2016. Though it's really not close to the amount of time Monday Night RAW has been producing episodes, it's still a good milestone to celebrate, one that will be celebrated heavily when it comes time for the episode, a week from today, on November 15th, 2016.

There are very big plans for this episode, and the announcement of the Undertaker returning for the episode has already been revealed, his first appearance on a WWE program since his WrestleMania win against SmackDown Commissioner Shane McMahon, inside Hell In A Cell. One can only think of the problems that could arise if the two face off again, but there is other news of another WWE Legend making a return to WWE television, he is the Rated-R Superstar, Edge!

The news was confirmed by SmackDown Commissioner, Shane McMahon, who sent out a Tweet earlier today:

This news is exciting, and Edge has to have plenty in stock for the big milestone. He'll be able to show us what he has in stock when the newest edition of The Cutting Edge comes around on the episode.

This episode is already creating some excitement, as two of the greatest in ring workers to ever step foot in a WWE ring have been announced for the show, It leads to some of us, as fans, does the WWE have something planned for the Undertaker and Edge in a segment together, or each get their own respective time? Whatever it might turn out to be, many of us know it will be highly entertaining. 

Check back here for updates on SmackDown LIVE's 900th Episode. 

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