Sunday, November 20, 2016

Interview With JTG!

Hello Ladies and Gentlemen, I'm Bill Gesios the owner of RestHoldParty and I'm here with an exclusive interview with Jayson Paul aka JTG! Hey Jayson, How are you?

I'm Great, just enjoying life.

That's great,I'm trying to do the same thing.. So let's get into the questions, so.. I always wanted to know, what does JTG stands for and how did you came up with that Nickname?

I came up with JTG in my development school ( OVW) and it stood for "Just Too Good".

Great! I also really want to know, How did WWE find about you and when did you sign with World Wrestling Entertainment?

I signed with WWE in 2006 out of OVW development school. Vince saw a video of Shad and I and loved our chemistry on screen.

Oh wow! What was the reception from wrestlers backstage after it was announced you'd been released from WWE? Or do you not really know?

I don't really know. But I DO KNOW that they were not in shock hahaha.
I was home for over a year after they released me.

That's terrible. Is there any possibility you'll return to WWE anytime soon?

There could be, I have never reached out to them and I don't plan on doing it, hahaha.

Well, now after the WWE draft which brand are you supporting the most? RAW or SmackDown Live?

I really don't follow the product but I would love Smackdown to do well.

That's Nice! To be honest I would really love to see you returning to WWE and joining Smackdown Live, I would be so hyped! So I also really want to know, Who's your favourite Pro Wrestler of all time (Except from yourself) and why?

I loved Bret Hart growing up. He motivated me to pursue my dream. He knew how to tell a story in the ring and he was believable.

Bret Hart was really awesome! I got a few more questions if you mind, This one was actually asked by a fan, What Wrestling promotions are you enjoying watching at the moment?

I haven't been watching wrestling as of lately and when I do it's WWE . I watch the major PPVs and thats it. Wrestlemania, Summerslam, Royal Rumble.

Nice! We (the fans) really want to know what you've been doing as of lately, like where do you live? Where are you working? If you have a family?

I live between Boston and LA at the moment. I've been working at the Indy's, working on a App, auditioning, acting, and writing a play.

That's great man! I'm really happy for you! Do you have any plans for the near future?

Shooting for film called the ultimate spider-man. Its a independent Fan-film about Miles Morale's. I'm playing Venom.

Pretty cool! I got one last question. Is there anything you'd like to say to the new wrestlers out there?

READ MY TWO BOOKS! learn the in and outs of the business through the pages of my books. Politics, heat and how to play the game.

Hahaha, Awesome!! Thanks for your time Jayson, I really appreciate it! That was Jayson Paul, JTG everybody!


Follow JTG on Twitter: @Jtg1284
Follow RestHoldParty on Twitter: @RestHoldParty

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