Thursday, November 10, 2016

SmackDown LIVE to have 4 Man Announce Team

As announced by WWE earlier today, SmackDown LIVE is, starting next week, on SmackDown's 900th Episode, Tom Phillips will be joining fellow color commentators John Bradshaw Layfield (JBL), David Otunga and Mauro Ranallo, creating WWE's first ever official four man announce team to be commentating every Tuesday night. Phillips will be pulling double duty, as he will continue to commentate for NXT, and SmackDown LIVE each week, giving him a very busy travel schedule indeed.

The four man announce team from the start isn't exactly the most welcome idea. Four men talking about one thing at once might work for a round-table subject, but for fast paced, high action wrestling matches, it requires a lot of concentration on the match, a task that might not work out too well for four men at a table together. The reason for a four man team has not been made known public.

Though many people are not exactly on board with the idea, it might as well be an experiment for the WWE, to just try and see what kind of things will happen with four men at a desk. People I've seen all over Social Media have spoken their mind, with many saying to replace David Otunga with Phillips. Though it is a decision that could benefit SD LIVE, WWE will hold onto their horses and see what can happen with the four commentator mix.

An interesting experiment  by WWE for sure, and I'm eager to see how four men at one desk will turn out, whether good or bad. It has my full attention.

What are your thoughts on the 4 Man Team? Should it be considered to stay? Or go, and be gone forever?

(The WWE Performance Center did the Mannequin Challenge, and I thought I would share it with you. It's pretty good.)

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