Tuesday, November 8, 2016

Who Will Take Team RAW's Last Available Spot?

4 spots filled, 1 remaining on the Team RAW Roster. Tonight is more likely than not the night that RAW will reveal who will take that last spot, through either a match or a simple announcement. It is interesting however, that SmackDown LIVE already has all of their team for the men's match, while RAW hasn't been done like they have. You would think the flagship show has enough starpower to easily choose the five best guys, or even put them in matches, instead of waiting. However, this must mean that General Manager Mick Foley and Commissioner Stephanie McMahon have something up their sleeve for a big reveal tonight, and even, hopefully not, the week after that.

So what could this mean for the rest of the RAW Roster that doesn't have a match announced for them yet at Survivor Series? Only one thing. Opportunity. Though it has not been made clear on how this matter will be settled by WWE, one could assume it could be a match or a simple announcement. However, with the wide variety and selection RAW has to choose from, there are many who know they deserve to fill the slot. Let's take a look at which talent on the RAW Roster have the best shot.


The Bulgarian Brute, except for having Roman Reigns go over him, has been pretty good at what he's doing on RAW. Being one of the biggest beasts on RAW, Rusev's heel gimmick is enough to get him noticed, and his in ring work is pretty damn good. His pure domination, like a Team RAW member, Braun Strowman, would loved to be used to RAW's advantage at Survivor Series.

Let's not forget, Rusev was a part of Team Authority's Survivor Series team in 2014, and had a really strong performance, even if things didn't exactly go in the way he would've liked it to be. Though he missed the next year's event due to injury, Rusev was doing extremely well during his first reign as US Champion in early 2015, as his character got over and was a legitimate heel. The point is, Rusev is too big of a beast to be stopped, and is sure to have a strong performance in the match, if he were to be picked to Team RAW.


The man that gravity forgot has not had much of a spotlight when it comes to big pay-per-view matches, though he is more capable than others of creating great and entertaining moments than some people WWE puts in front of us. His high-flying ability, athleticism and moveset is very fun to watch, making him one of RAW's can't-miss stars, even though he isn't getting a lot of attention on the main roster. The man is just such an interesting thing when he's in the ring, and if Team RAW is looking for some entertainment value on their team, Neville is the way to go.

Like I have said, Neville hasn't really been able to showcase his ability in high stakes matches on pay-per-views on the main roster yet, but I'm not going to give up on it. There's lots of proof if you go back to his matches in PWG, and NXT. He's main event caliber, but is most likely held back because of his size. Nonetheless, it shouldn't be a factor that RAW should hold against him. The brand split was made to make more opportunities after all. Neville is waiting patiently for his chance to showcase himself on a higher stage than RAW, and Survivor Series is a good first step to go on.

Sami Zayn

Like Neville, Zayn is such a great athlete and in ring perfomer, but on the main roster, hasn't been able to showcase his talents on a high stage, except for a WrestleMania Ladder match earlier this year, and his awesome feud with Kevin Owens. Zayn, again like Neville, has been main event caliber in other promotions, such as PWG, ROH and NXT are definitely some of the best of his career, and in the promotion's history. His resilience and all around character is a characteristic that can be used for the greater chance of Team RAW pulling out the victory at Survivor Series. Showcasing is the hardest part, as being booked in matches that are forgettable are the not the way to help Zayn further his chances of being on Team RAW, an option that has little to no risk.

Zayn is a man, or dare I say, a god, of great, entertaining, technical matches that keep your eyes glued on him. He is just fun to watch, and every week his charisma gets stronger and stronger, and so does the matches he has, though it mainly depends on the opponent. The great ones happen when there is someone who can match his fast paced way of wrestling, and not people who have absolutely no chemistry with him. This is mainly the way he's booked, but many of us are waiting for an opportunity so he can deliver on the big stages of WWE, and while we might have to wait longer than we want to, WWE should keep a mental note that Zayn is an option that is almost guaranteed not to fail.

Seth Rollins

Well let's be honest here. There's really no reason that Rollins wouldn't be chosen for Team RAW. He was the brands Number 1 Draft Pick, after all. Not only that, day after day, week after week, Rollins has shown time and time again why he's so popular. His crafty offense, and unpredictible moveset is spectacular to see in the ring, and like many on this list, he's fun to watch. Now that he's more lenient as a face on RAW, his storylines can easily be twisted to waltz his way onto the Team RAW roster. His microphone and ring skills improve each week, and with lots of support behind him, Rollins is definitely the go-to option to Team RAW, who only has one spot left, but can spend it easily on this man. The man has momentum, so why not carry the momentum into Survivor Series?

Seth has always been in the main event of many promotions, and it has really benefited him not only personally, but to the WWE, as he is one of the most popular and talked about stars in the company today. He's creative on both the mic and in the ring, making him much more unique than some of the already confirmed members on Team RAW's roster. Rollins can make almost anything entertaining when he is there, and with the amount of talent he gets to work with every week, its no surprise that he has no intentions of slipping out of the main event anytime soon. As Rollins continues on his path of glory, he is definitely not a bad choice for the brand at all. All he can do is grow the support for the RAW Brand, and build more on his name. Don't forget about what he's done at Survivor Series 2014, you better not. His performance then was before an injury. Now that he's fully back from one, its only in our imagination to see what kind of performance he would make in the match this year.

Who do you think will be Team RAW's Final Member?

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