Sunday, January 22, 2017

BREAKING NEWS: Pentagon Jr. Leaves AAA, Name Change

Pentagon Jr. may have been one of your favorites in Lucha Underground and on the independents, but  that may no longer be the case. It just so happens that Pentagon Jr. has left AAA in Mexico. This is the major promotion along with CMLL. If you ask me, don't bother with AAA. It's just not that great of a promotion and it was a genius idea for Pentagon to leave and tour the indpendants.

This is not the only name that left AAA recently. Daga and Darza Jr. have both left with Pentagon. The other well known Luchador to leave was actually Pentagon's brother, Fènix. Both Fènix and Pentagon will now begin to tour around the world, but not as the names we once knew them. AAA owns  the names "Fènix" and "Pentagon Jr." Lucky for both men, only minor changes have been made to their names.

You may have been noticing already that Fènix has been going by the name of "Rey Fènix" in promotions like AAW. Pentagon will be next to follow. His name will be changed to "Penta El Cero Miedo". The name is a bit of a change, but nothing that we haven't seen from Pentagon in the past. His signature taunt is "Cero Miedo", but it just doesn't seem like a right fit in his name. Who knows. We'll see where this goes. 

Fènix and Pentagon have been in the US before. We've seen them in promotions like AAW and PWG, but they may show up even more often now after this decision. Right now, it definitely seems like it's for the better. Pentagon and Fènix can now go around and surely get more opportunities than when they were signed to AAA. Who knows. Maybe a TNA or ROH signing could be on the way (even though I would hate to see both in TNA).

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