Wednesday, January 25, 2017

BREAKING NEWS: New WWN Partnership Leads EVOLVE to the Midwest!

WWN is known as the World Wrestling Network. They already have a large chain of promotions that includes SHINE, FIP, ACW. EVOLVE, and Style Battle. EVOLVE is the most known promotion of that group, and is the one that actually benefited from this new deal. Recently, you may have seen my blog on Freelance Wrestling. They are airing in Japan! I said that they needed some more exposure, and this is it!

Freelance Wrestling is partnering with WWN to bring EVOLVE to the Chicago area on May 20th. There will be a Freelance event in the afternoon, and EVOLVE at 8PM from Summit Park District! This is not the end of the good news for EVOLVE. The next night, EVOLVE will head to the Detroit area!

All of this is thanks to the new Midwest Promoter for EVOLVE, Chris T. Bonjour. EVOLVE will be coming to the Monaghan Knights of Colombus Hall on May 21st. This is huge news for EVOLVE fans of the Midwest. Tickets are going on sale next week! Be ready Chicago and Detroit.

EVOLVE likes to go to the same places over and over. La Boom in New York, The Orpheum in Orlando, and they really like the Joppa MD arena as well. Good for them for going to their loyal fans, but this is definitely going to be for the better for EVOLVE coming up in 2017. If you really want to get a new fan base, or just expand your horizons, this is the way to do it. Hopefully with these new Midwest locations, we will also see them in other states like Wisconsin and Minnesota!

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