Tuesday, January 24, 2017

BREAKING NEWS: Freelance Wrestling Airing in Japan

Already some of you may be not familiar with the promotion "Freelance Wrestling". This is big time though. Freelance Wrestling is a pro wrestling promotion based out of Chicago Illinois. Many of you may be getting familiar with Mustafa Ali in WWE's cruiserweight division. Freelance Wrestling literally made that guy. He was a former champ and defended it non-stop against all comers! You can check them out more at freelancewrestling.com

Now, onto the good stuff. Yesterday Freelance retweeted something from "Nico Pro Wrestling". That though is not a promotion. It's more of a channel for Japanese wrestling fans to check out wrestling. Think of it like the WWE Network or any of your favorite Indy promotions subscription services, only this one is free from what I understand.

I'm not sure if you can download the app here in the US. Freelance though is trying to expand their horizons, and this is amazing. There are just some promotions that can't get their word out there, but really deserve it. Freelance is one of those. Each of their shows you can watch on their website for just $5. They used to be free, actually. The quality isn't the best, but they save that for their DVDs.

One of the things that makes Freelance so amazing is the Chicago crowd. The atompsphere at every show always delivers. Mustafa Ali's farewell show will be one he definitely remembers forever. The crowd adds to the amazing matches, and another great show is planned for February. You can check out their Twitter for even more details, but as a nice send off, check out this stacked card for "The Hammer of Dawn" on Feb. 11th.

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